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Stack #114078


bonus, bona, bonum good
durus, dura, durum hard, harsh
magnus, magna, magnum large, great, big
parvus, parva, parvum small
multus, multa, multum many, much
longus, longa, longum long
novus, nova, novum new, strange
malus, mala, malum bad
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum old, ancient
clarus, clara, clarum clear, famous
planus, plana, planum level, flat
Romanus, Romana, Romanum Roman
totus, tota, totum all, whole
amicus, amica, amicum friendly
beatus, beata, beatum happy, blessed
gratus, grata, gratum pleasing, grateful
meus, mea, meum my
Gallus, Galla, Gallum Gallic, of Gaul
decimus, decima, decimum tenth
ignavus, ignava, ignavum lazy
quintus, quinta, quintum fifth
saucius, saucia, saucium wounded, hurt
tuus, tua, tuum your, yours(s.)
altus, alta, altum high, deep
barbarus, barbara, barbarum foreign
singuli, singulae, singula one at a time (only plural)
liber, libera, liberum free
noster, nostra, nostrum our
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
secundus, secunda, secundum second
tertius, tertia, tertium third
aequus, aequa, aequum even, just, calm
latus, lata, latum wide
publicus, publica, publicum public
verus, vera, verum true
vester, vestra, vestrum your
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful
Created by: RattyTatty
Popular Latin sets




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