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What is denudation? The breaking down and removal of the solid and loose rock materials on the earths crust
What is weathering? The breaking down of rocks that are exposed to the earths surface
Name the three types of weathering Mechanical,chemical and biological
What is mechanical weathering? When rocks are broken into smaller pieces
Name two causes of mechanical weathering Frost and sudden temperature changes
What is chemical weathering? When rocks are dissolved because of a chemical change
What is biological weathering? When tree roots or animals widen spaces within the rock or soil
What is erosion? The breaking down of rocks and the transportation of this matrerial
What is mechanical weathering? When rocks are broken into smaller pieces
Name two causes of mechanical weathering Frost and sudden temperature changes
What is chemical weathering? When rocks are dissolved because of a chemical change
What is biological weathering? When tree roots or animals widen spaces within the rock or soil
What is erosion? The breaking down of rocks and the transportation of this matrerial
Name two causes of eriosion Moving water,moving air
Complete the word formula,denudation= Weathering + erosion
What is freeze-thaw action? Mechanical weathering by frost
How does freeze-thaw action occur? \water seeps into cracks and fissure of rocks,at night when the temperature drops to below 0,the water freezes and expands,putting pressure on the rock around it. Over time the temperature changes and eventually the rock crumbles and breaks down
What is the formula for carbonic acid? H2O(water) + CO2(Carbon dioxide) = H2CO3(carbonic acid)
What is exfoliation? An element of mechanical weathering also known as 'onion peeling'
What is meant by the term Karst? Distinctive landforms that develop on rock types(usually limestone)
What is carbonation? Chemical weathering by water
Name a karst landscape? The Burren,Co.Clare
How does carbonation occur? When rainfalls it takes in carbon dioxide and becomes and weak carbonic acid. Limestone contains calcium carbonate .The acid reacts with the calcium carbonate in limestone causing limestone to dissolve slowly through a process called carbonation
Where can the impact of carbonation be seen? The Burren,Co.Clare
What is the formula for carbonic acid? H2O(water) + CO2(Carbon dioxide) = H2CO3(carbonic acid)
What is meant by the term Karst? Distinctive landforms that develop on rock types(usually limestone)
What is a clint? More resistant flat areas of rock between grikes
Name a karst landscape? The Burren,Co.Clare
Finish the limestone pavement formula, Limestone pavement= Clints and grikes
What is a limestone pavement? An open area of limestone
What are swallow holes? Enlargened grikes
What is a grike? Deep fissures or cracks
What is a cave? The result of what happens when a river disappears underground through a swallow hole and the limestone is then dissolved
What is a clint? More resistant flat areas of rock between grikes
Finish the limestone pavement formula, Limestone pavement= Clints and grikes
What are swallow holes? Enlargened grikes
What is a cave? The result of what happens when a river disappears underground through a swallow hole and the limestone is then dissolved
Give an example of a cave Aillwee cave,the Burren,Co.Clare
What direction do staligtites grow in? Downward
What direction do staligmites grow in? Upward
What is a pillar? The result of the joining of the stalactite and the staligmite
Give an advantage of tourisim Local employment increases
Give a disadvantage of toursism Increased tourism damages rare flora(plant life)
What is mass movement? Loose,weathered material that moves down slope under influence of gravity
Give one result of a mass movement cause? Mudflows
Created by: Chimozukee
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