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Fitness professional

INFARCTION a condition in which a localized area of muscular tissue is dying or dead owing to insufficient supply of blood, as occurs in a heart attack.
KSA Knowledge, Skills, abilities.
Keres Greek Mythology: Female Death Spirits.
Pneumoconiosis Coniosis: From the Greek: Konis "Dust". Coal Workers Disease. Caused by long-continued inhalation of mineral or metallic dust.
Hypoxemia, Hypoxia Insufficient oxygenation of the blood.
Dyspnea Shortness of Breath. Difficulty in breathing, often associated with lung or heart disease and resulting in shortness of breath.
CHD Coronary heart disease
Coronary Of or relating to the heart veins and arteries.
The 5 leading causes of Death in the USA. 1)Cardiovascular Disease CVD 31% 2)Cancer "The Big C" 23% 3)Chronic Lower Respiratory 5.3% 4)Accidents 5.1% 5)Alzheimer's Disease 3.1%
Amenorrhea Absence of menstrual period.
Sagittal Plane Divides the body in half longitudinally, the right side from the left side.
Humerus 1706,The bone of the upper arm.
Comorbidities is either the presence of one or more disorders (or diseases) in addition to a primary disease or disorder, or the effect of such additional disorders or disease.
Morbidity The rate of incidence of a disease.
GXT Graded Exercise Test. Participants exercise at progressively increasing work-loads.
Mitochondria Cellular organelles responsible for generating energy(ATP)through aerobic metabolism.
Sarcopenia (from the Greek meaning "poverty of flesh") is the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength associated with aging
Cyanosis "blue disease," the "blue jaundice" of the ancients, 1820, Medical Latin, from Greek kyanosis, from kyanos "dark blue color" Poor blood oxygenation.
Intertrigo Chafing between two moist closely opposed skin surfaces, as under the breasts or at the armpit
The Zen Master asks us,"Why do Liberals do not have to Think? "Master, because they already have the answer to Everything".
Idiopathic "ones own" "suffering" Of, relating to, or designating a disease having no known cause.
Periosteum Fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone except at the joints, serving as an attachment for muscles and tendons.
Satellite Cells Abut the muscle cell fiber, they are inactive until activated with exercise or injury.
Medullary cavity The Central cavity of bone shafts.
Umbilicus The Navel, Belly Button.
Visceral Fat also known as organ fat,packed in between internal organs. An excess of this fat leads to the "pot belly" or "beer belly" effect.
BIA Bioelectrical impedance analysis.
SBP Is the Blood Pressure when the Heart is beating, it is the upper Number.
DBP Is the Blood Pressure when the Heart is resting. It is the lower Number.
Articular cartilage Cartilage that lines the Joints.
hyaline cartilage Is a thin layer of cartilage at the ends of Joints. Keeps the Bones from touching one another.
Carpals Any of the bones of the human wrist or the joint corresponding to the wrist.
Adipose Tissue "fatty," Fat tissue.
Interstitial Lung Disease Relating to or situated in the small, narrow spaces between tissues or parts of an organ. Refers to a group of Lung Diseases affecting the ________. The Tissue and Spaces around the air sacs of the Lungs.
Embolism "obstruction of a blood vessel" is first recorded in English 1855. A mass, such as an air bubble, a detached blood clot, or a foreign body, that travels through the bloodstream and lodges so as to obstruct or occlude a blood vessel.
Ossification The replacement of cartilage by bone.
Alveolar Walls Of the Lungs, which are capillary-rich Sacs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide take place.
Synovial Fluid A clear, viscid lubricating fluid secreted by membranes in joint cavities, sheaths of tendons, and bursae.
Myocardial Greek mys-muscle. Greek Kardia-Heart. The tissues (muscle) of the Heart
Anthropometry Anthro: having human qualities. The study of Human physical variations.
Subcutaneous Fat Is the Fat that lies directly under the skin.
Self-efficacy Ones belief in ones ability to succeed in a specific situation.
Proprioception Is the bodies ability to transmit a sense of position. To know where a body part is without looking.
Femur A bone of the leg situated between the pelvis and knee in humans. It is the largest and strongest bone in the body. The Thighbone.
Tibia Lower leg bone,the larger of the 2. The Shin bone.
Fibula Lower leg bone, the smaller of the 2. Has been known to tell little white lies.
Patella The Knee bone.
Scapula latin-scapula: Shoulder. Shoulder Blade Bone.
Clavicle Collar Bone. Looks like a Key.
Sternum "Chest, breast, breastbone"
Ligaments Tough fibrous bands of connective tissue that connect bone to each other across all joints.
Radius 1590s, "cross-shaft," from "staff, spoke of a wheel. The bicep is connected to.
Ulna Inner and longer bone of the Forearm. Is on the Pinky side.
Gluteus maximus The outermost of the three Tushi muscles.
Concentric Action Occurs when a Muscle shortens under tension.
Eccentric Action Muscle slows the speed in the opposite direction.
Ballistic Movement Fast muscle movement.
Isometric Equal forces, the Muscle does not change in length.
Myofibril Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber.
Sarcomeres the contractile unit of a Muscle cell.
Pectoralis Major Breast Muscles. Inserts into the Humerus and the Sternum.
A Promise The Nature of a Promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
Phalanges. Phalanx. Are the Fingers and Toes.
Deltoid Is the Muscle forming the round contour of the Shoulder.
Anorexia nervosa Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight, often coupled with a distorted self image.
Bulimia nervosa Characterized by Consuming large amounts of food followed by food purging. Impaired Body Image.
Binge-eating disorder Consuming large amounts of Food in a short time. Emotional Eating.
Liberalism A Mental Disorder where the Sufferer believes in Santa Clause. All problems can be solved by Government Programs that will be paid for by Future Generations. Cure: Adult Hood. Growing-up. Reality.
Nervosa For contextual purposes, it means "the psychological addiction to a behavior, belief, or habit" that effects the body via the nervous system, or the mind.
Cortical Bone Is the Compact Bone. The dense, hard outer layer of a Bone.
Diaphysis The Shaft of a long Bone.
Asymptomatic Without Symptoms. Neither causing or exhibiting symptoms of a Disease.
Ligamentum Flavum Vertebra Ligament."Yellow Ligament"
ADL's Activities of Daily Living.
MR. PLEASE... M Medical History Review.
MR. PLEASE... R Risk-factor Assessment.
MR. PLEASE... P Prescribed Medications. Document Prescribed Medication.
MR. PLEASE... L Level of Activity.
MR. PLEASE... E Establishment of the Necessity of Physician Consent.
MR. PLEASE... A Administration of Fitness Test and Evaluation of Results.
MR. PLEASE... S Set-up of Exercise Prescription.
MR. PLEASE... E Evaluation of Progress with Follow-up Test.
ATP Adenosin Triphosphate. Only useable form of Energy in the Body.
Endometrial Cancer Starts in the Lining of the Uterus.
Hypertrophic To grow larger.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy A disorder in which the heart muscle is so strong that it does not relax enough to fill with the heart with blood and so has reduced pumping ability.
Plychometric Training Designed to produce Fast and Powerful movements.
Distal Anatomically located far from a point of reference.
Cancellous Bone The Spongy part of the Bone. Having an open, latticed or porous Structure.
Epidemiological Studies The Study of Diseases in Populations.
Orthopedic Straight or Erect. Straight Bones.
Volitional Fatigue A Conscious choice. Unable to complete a repetition because of temporary fatigue.
Epiphysis The end of a long bone.
Isokinetic Testing Movement takes place at a constant speed.
Dynamic Testing Push-ups,Bench press. Curls.
Tachypnea Accelerated Breathing. Rapid Breathing.
Tachycardia Excessive Rapid Heart beat.
Bradycardia Abnormally slow Heart beat.
Glenohumeral Joint Is a Ball and Socket Joint.
Osteoarthritis Degenerative Joint Disease of the Articular Cartilage.
Atherogenic To cause Arterial Plaques.
Claudication Burning or Cramping pain, typically in the Gluteal region. Inadequate blood supply secondary to localized Atherosclerosis.
Pulmonary Related to the Lungs.
Epicondylitis Is the inflammation of Muscle or tendon attached to the ________ of the Humerus.
Epicondyle knuckle. A projection on the surface of a bone above its condyle.
Condyle A rounded prominence at the end of a bone, most often for articulation with another bone.
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.
Trabecular Bone Is the Spongy part of the Bone.
Spicules A sharp, needle-like body or spike. Seems when a Bone breaks, the Edges may have Spiculeses.
Contraindications A reason to with-hold Exercises, Tests or Medical Treatment.
Fibrosis The formation of an abnormal amont of Fibrous tissue. French: Fibre-Fiber. Greek : Osis-Astate of Disease.
Scoliosis A side-to-side curvature of the spine
Spondylosis A degenerative disease of the spinal column, especially one leading to fusion and immobilization of the vertebral bones.
Ankylosis The stiffening or immobility of a joint resulting from disease, trauma, surgery, or bone fusion
Lactate Threshold Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda) buffers the
Ventilatory Threshold. The Point at which the body's metabolism changes from Aerobic to Anaerobic. During an exercise test, it usually is associated with sudden increase in breathing, increased fatigue, burning in the muscles.
Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference
Mitral Stenosis
End-diastolic Volume The volume of blood in the Heart just before Contraction.
Ejection Fraction The Amount Blood pumped out of the Left Ventricle. Normal is 50% or better. Less than 50%...not good.
Pelvis The Whole Hip bone.
Ilium the lateral, flaring portion of the hip bone.
Tarsals Bones of the Foot.
Epiphyseal Plates The growth areas of the Bones.
Coronal Plane Separates the Front from the Back.
Synovial Membrane Secretes Lubricating Fluid.
Transverse Plane Separates the Body from the top and bottom.
Synarthrodial Joints Immovable joints. The lines in the Skull.
Amphiarthrodial Joints or Cartilaginous Joints Slight Movement. Deformation of the discs. Between the Vertebrae.
Fibrocartilage Disc Between vertebrae.
Diarthrodial Joints or Synovial Joints Freely moving Joints
Articular Capsule
Metacarpophalangeal The Joints of the Knuckles of the Hand.
Interphalangeal Are the Joints of the Fingers.
Troponin One of the proteins that make up the thin filaments of muscle tissue and that regulate muscle contraction and relaxation
Tropomyosin Any of a group of muscle proteins that bind to molecules of actin and troponin to regulate the interaction of actin and myosin
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Stores Calcium in the Muscle cell for Contraction.The cytoplasm of a striated muscle fiber.
Phosphocreatine (PC) An organic compound, C4H10N3O5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction. Also called creatine phosphate.
Baroceptors A collection of sensory nerve endings, principally in the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch, that monitor blood pressure changes in the body
Arterioles One of the small terminal branches of an artery, especially one that connects with a capillary
Triglycerides A naturally occurring ester of three fatty acids and glycerol that is the chief constituent of fats and oils. Most natural fats and oils are triglycerides.
Ergogenics A tendency to increase work output. Improve Performance.
Oligmenorrhes Infrequent or very light menstruation. menstrual periods occur at intervals of greater than 35 days, with only four to nine periods in a year.
Dura Mater The tough fibrous membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord and lining the inner surface of the skull. It is the outermost of the three meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Frontal bone The bone of the forehead of the Skull.
Parietal bone There are 2, left and right, They are Posterior of the Frontal bone and Superior of the Occipital bone in the Skull.
Occipital bone There is 1. It is inferior to the Parietal bones on the Posterior of the Skull. The back of the Head.
Temporal bone There are 2. They are inferior to the 2 Parietal bones. At the Temples of the Skull.
Mandible bone The Jaw bone.
Fascicles A bundle of Fibers grouped together. Especially nerve fibers. Muscle Fibers. A bundle or cluster of stems, flowers, or leaves, such as the bundles in which pine needles grow.
Perimysium Connective Tissue surrounding the Fascicles. The sheath of connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers.
Epimysium Tissue encasing the entire Muscle.
Amphiarthrodial A Joint that allows only slight movement in all directions. Also called a Synovial Joint.
Synarthrodial An Immovable Joint. Like in the Skull.
Sternoclavicular Is the joint between the clavicle and the Sternum.
Acromioclavicular The joint between the Scapula and Clavicle bones.
Scapulothoriacic The double gliding joint between the Scapula and the Thoracic. The posterior of the Ribs.
Aponeuroses A sheetlike fibrous membrane, resembling a flattened tendon, that serves as a fascia to bind muscles together or as a means of connecting muscle to bone.
Avascular Not associated with or supplied by blood vessels. Hyaline cartilage.
Piriformis A muscle in the gluteal region of the lower limb, a flat muscle, pyramidal in shape, lying almost parallel with the posterior margin of the gluteus medius. Laterally rotates the extended thigh and abducts the flexed thigh.
Created by: SPECTORMAN
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