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Vargo Presidents

Executive Branch and Cabinets

Cabinet that works with farmers and livestock Agriculture
3 Qualifications to become President 35 years of age 14 years residence Natural born citizen
Line of succession to the Presidency Vice President, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore, Sec of State, Sec of Treasury, Sec of Defense, Attorney General
Presidential retreat in the Maryland mountains Camp David
The Presidents term begins on this day every 4 years set by the 20th Amendment January, 20th
Pardon of a mass group of people Amnesty
To reject legislation Veto
To fire a member of his cabinet Removal
The postponement of a sentence Reprieve
An emergency meeting of Congress by the President Special Session
To reduce the length of a criminal sentence or fine Commutation
Choosing of his cabinet and federal judges appointment
Tenure of a presidents term in office was defined by this amendment 22nd Amendment
Presidential succession was set forth by this amendment 25th Amendment
Presidential directive which carries the force of law executive order
To override a veto you need approval in both houses by this majority 2/3 vote
Wars Powers Resolution Act (1973) 48 hours contact congress 60 days to committee the troops without approval 30 days to pull troops out
Looks after Americas environment Dept of Interior
Build highways, waterways and airports Dept of Transportation
Administers public assistance programs Dept of Health & Human Services
Deals with international trade Dept of Commerce
Minimum wage laws Dept of Labor
Rebuild intercity neighborhoods Dept of Housing & Urban Development
Paid benefits to retired military personnel Dept of Veterans Affairs
Improvement to learning methods in the US Dept of Education
Deals with conservation & alternate power sources Dept of Energy
Year that the Justice Dept was established 1870
The Pentagon is located in this city Arlington, VA
Another term for fiscal Financial
Department with the biggest budget Defense
Prints coins and money Mint
Original purpose of the secret service Stop Counterfeiting
FBI is under this department Justice
Military group that advises the President and Sec of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff
US Coast Guard is under this Dept Homeland Security
3 Leading economist that prepare an annual economic report Council of Economic Advisers
Bureau of Prisons is under this dept Justice
Oversees the entire personnel of the White House Chief of Staff
Dept that oversees the Census Bureau Commerce
The CIA briefs the President
The power to recognize other countries Recognition
#1 enforcer of laws chief Executive
When the president and a foreign leader make a deal executive agreement
SALT stands for what? Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
1st president who set precedents? Washington
2nd president who influenced the Judiciary to builid up a strong central government John Adams
3rd president who authorized Louisianna Purchase Thomas Jefferson
Asked for war (War of 1812) James Madison
This sent out warnings to European countries Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Served 17 years after presidency in Congress John Quincy Adams
Spoiled the system and shot down the creation of the Bank of the U.S. Andrew Jackson
Also known as the "Little Magician," he carried out Jacksonian Democracy Martin Van Buren
Longest address, but a short term. Campaign was "Tippacanoe and Tyler too" William Henry Harrison
Set the first example of VP taking over after presidential death John Tyler
Started the Mexican War in 1846 by crossing over the Texas-Mexican border (he wanted more slave states) James Polk
He led the military in the Mexican War and was the puppet for the whigs. Also known as "Old Rough and Ready" Zachary Taylor
Started process for opening up trade with Japan Millard Fillmore
Created the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and suggested that the people of the state should decide whether they are a free/slave state Franklin Pierce
Life-long bachelor James Buchanan
First republican to serve. Wanted to preserve the union and keep states from succeding. Suspended Writ of Habeas Corpus due to war Abraham Lincoln
The purchase of Alaskan territory Seward's Folly
First president to be impeached (Tenure of Office Act) Andrew Johnson
Was a general for the Union army during the Civil War. He had a very corrupt administration. Ulysses Grant
Didn't win popular vote against Tilden in 1876. His wife's nickname was "Lemonade Lucy" Rutherford Hayes
Name of man who shot James Garfield Charles Guiteau
He set forth the Pendleton Act (1883) and got rid of the spoils system Chester Arthur
Was elected twice but not consecutively Grover Cleveland
Granted amnesty to poligamy in 1888 Benjamin Harrison
Name of strike amongst railroad workers that shutdown the transportation system and threatened the American economy Pullman's strike
This president sent in troops to end the Pullman Strike in 1894 Grover Cleveland
The rallying cry that started the Spanish-American War "Remember the Maine!"
He was president when the battleship, Maine, blew up to start the Spanish-American War William McKinley
"His cross of gold speech" is often associated with which president? William McKinley
Who assassinated William McKinley? Czolgosz
Youngest president to succeed the office Theodore Roosevelt
Youngest president to be elected into office JFK
Referred to the White House as "bully pulpit" Theodore Roosevelt
"Speak softly and carry a big stick" Theodore Roosevelt
Created the FDA and signed the Treaty of Portsmith Theodore Roosevelt
He became president after Roosevelt's "Bull-Moose" party split up the votes Taft
He sighned in the Federal Reserve Act and declared war in WWI Woodrow Wilson
He helped create the Treaty of Versailles, suggested the League of Nations, and made up The Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson
After he had a stroke, his wife, Edith, ran the country Woodrow Wilson
His campaign slogan was "Return to Normalcy" Harding
Suspected to be apart of the Teapot-Dome Scandel along with his Ohio Gang Harding
President during Roaring 20s who was well-known for being "silent" Calvin Coolidge
President during the Great Stock Market Crash in 1929 Hoover
Al Smith was the 1st Roman Catholic to run for presidency...who did he run against? Hoover
All 3 of Roosevelt's VPs Garner, Wallace, and Truman
What does FDIC stand for? Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
What did the Social Security Act do? It was a pension plan so people could save up for retirement
What did the Fair Labor Standards Act create? The first minimum wage (.25)
This group prevents strikes National Labor Relations Board
What did the Wagner Act do? made it illegal to fire someone in the union
Hiroshima happened during his presidency Truman
This said that the U.S. will aid any country who is being threatened by the spread of communism Truman Doctrine
He pulled us out of the Korean War Eisenhower
He sent the 101st Airborn to protect the Little Rock 9 Eisenhower
He was apart of the first televised debate JFK
He was president during the Cuban Missle Crisis and Bay of Pigs invasion JFK
The direct line of communication between connecting the White House and Kremlin The Hotline
He started the war on poverty and was president when the Vietnam war began Lyndon Johnson
His nickname is "Tricky Dick" Nixon
He was apart of the Watergate Scandel Nixon
He survived two assassination attempts Gerald Ford
President who was in during Iran Hostage Crisis Carter
Only president divorced Reagan
John Hinkley Jr. attempted to murder this president Reagan
He issued the war on drugs GHWB
Issued operation desert storm after Hussain invaded kuwait GHWB
Known for Israeli Peace Accords, Dayton Accords, and Monica Lewinsky scandal Bill Clinton
How many electoral votes are required to win the presidency 270
This department carries out presidentiall orders State
A government building in a foreign country Embassy
They look out for American businesses in foreign countries Consul
What does IRS stand for? Internal Revenue System
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
He directs operations and is the closest advisor to the president Chief of Staff
The liaison who goes between people and the WH Press secretary
This group discusses safety within domestic, foreign, and military lan/bases...they direct the CIA national Security Council
OMB Office of Management and Budget
They take care of the financial budget OMB
CEA (three leading advisors who help create budget) Council of Economic Advisors
This is headed by the Drug Czar Office of National Drug Control Policy
They help law enforcement prepare a strategy and coordinate a plan against drugs Office of National Drug Control Policy
FTC Federal Trade Commission
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
FCC Federal Communications Commission
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
USPS United States Postal Service
1st and current head of State Jefferson, Kerry
1st and current head of Treasury Hamilton, Lew
1st and current head of Defense Forestall, Carter
1st and current Attorney General Randolph, Holder
1st and current head of Interior Ewing, Jewell
1st and current head of Agriculture Colman, Vilsack
1st and current head of Homeland Security Ridge, Johnson
Ceremonial leader Chief of State
Leader of federal government bureaucracy Chief Administrator
Leading negotiator with foreign countries Chief diplomat
#1 suggested of bills to congress Chief legislator
Give all 4 presidents who were assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy
1st woman to serve as head of a cabinet department Perkins
1st African American to serve as head of a cabinet department Weaver
1st African American woman to serve as head of a cabinet department Roberts Harris
1st woman Attorney General Reno
1st female Secretary of State Albright
1st African American Secretary of State Powell
1st female African American Secretary of State Condolezza Rice
Created by: hwzone
Popular American Government sets




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