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Article 3 and 4

exam study

Article 3 The Judicial Branch
Duties of Judicial Branch rulings protect rights and liberties guaranteed by Constitution, interpret and apply the law to resolve disputes, they do NOT make the laws.
4 kinds of law Statutory Law: Laws created by the government, Common Law: Laws created by judges when there is no law to cover a situation, Administrative Laws: Laws made by government agencies, Constitutional Law: Laws based on constitution and Supreme Court rulings
Steps to ensure a fair trial 1. the accused must have a lawyer, right to be released on BAIL, indictment from a GRAND JURY
Grand Jury just because you are accused of a crime does not mean you are guilty, examines evidence, they do not determine guilt or innocence
Petit Jury a jury of 12 to determine the facts and decide the issue in civil or criminal proceedings
Kinds of court systems Federal and state courts
Type of cases tried in federal court disobey the constitution, violate a treaty, break a federal law, foreign nation accuses you of a crime, crimes committed at sea, ambassador/consulate accuses you of a crime, crimes on or against federal property, disagreement between states
Federal Court set-up District (Trial) Courts, Appellate Courts, Supreme Court
U.S. District Courts Have jurisdiction to hear nearly ALL categories of federal cases, both criminal and civil, 94 federal judicial districts
Original Jurisdiction The authority to be the first court to hear a case and rule on it
Judge hears case and rules
Marshall arrests suspects and brings them to court
Federal Magistrate hear evidence in a case and determine if a grand jury is needed.
U.S. Attorney must prove a person is guilty
Court of Appeals review district court decisions, 12 total in country, each covers a circuit or area, judges appointed for life, panel of 3 judges hear case and determine if person got fair trial, majority vote rules
U.S. Supreme Court Highest court in the federal judiciary, hears only limited number of cases, at its discretion, chooses cases dealing with important constitutional issues
Powers of the Supreme Court Judicial Review: Power to examine laws and declare them unconstitutional, Chief Justice serves as the judge during impeachment hearings
Justice Rulings (the different types of opinions) Majority, Concurring, Dissenting, Per Curiam
Court Cases (Plessy v. Ferguson) Made segregation legal in the United States
Brown v. Board of Education Outlawed segregation in the U.S
Marbury v. Madison Power to examine laws and declare them unconstitutional
Dred Scott v. Sandford The supreme court said slaves were property and favored in slaves until the 13 amendment
Thurgood Marshall won supreme court in two graduate-school integration cases, wins Brown v. Board of Education
Full Faith and Credit Clause governs the relationships among the states, have to respect one another's court decisions and laws
Extradition surrender by one state to another of a person accused or convicted of a crime in another state
Treason the crime of betraying one's country
Civil Trials an action or a suit brought before a court
Fugitive Slave Clause directs the return of runaway slaves to the state from where they came
Created by: mpiontek
Popular American Government sets




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