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Mid Term Review 2012

The work of scientists usually begins with what? Careful Observations
Hypotheses may arise from what? All of these 1)Prior Knowledge 2) Logical Inferences 3) informed, creative imagination
A student suggests that a certain species of bacteria grows better in the light than in the dark. The student has 10 culture plates on which to grow the bacteria. Which would be the best experiment to test this idea? Grow 5 plates in the dark and 5 plates in the light
The process by which organisms keep their internal conditions fairly constant is called what? Homeostasis
What is the term for a group of organisms of one type living in the same place? Population
In the metric system, the basic unit of length is the what? Meter
Which of the following variables present in Redi's experiment on spontaneous generation is NOT a controlled variable: Gauze covering that keeps flies away from meat
The basic unit of Mass in SI is the what? Gram
what is the highest possibl magnification that a scientist can use in order to study Living cells? 1,000x with a compound light Microscope
When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes a what? Theory
A theory...........? May be revised or Replaced
To observe a small, living organixm, a scientist might use a what? Compound light microscope
Which of the following is the best reason for using a Scanning Electron Microscope? The ability to See images of the Surfaces of Objects
What is the term given to a group of cells that develops from a single original cell? Cell Culture
Scientific hypotheses must be proposed in a way that what? Enables them to be Tested
A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test what? A Single Variable
What technique is used to separate the different cell parts? Cell Fractionation
The space surrounding the nucleus of an atom contains what? Electrons
If an atom contains 3 protons, 4 neutrons, and 3 electrons, its mass number would be what? Seven (7)
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons and ....? A different number of Neutrons
Which of the following is a use of Radioactive Isotopes? All listed 1)Determine ages of rocks & fossils 2) to treat cance & kill bacteria that cause food to spoil 3) Used as "Tracers" to follow movements of substances within organisms
If an atom contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons, its atomic number is what? Eleven (11)
which of the following terms describes a substance formed by the combination of two or more elements in definite proportions? Compound
Which of the following statements about a compound is true? The Physical and Chemical properties of a compound are usually very different from those of the Elements from which it is formed>
A Covalent Bond is formed as the result of what? Sharing an Electron Pair
What type of electron is available to form bonds? Valence
What type of Ion forms when an atom loses electrons? Positive
Ice floats on water because ..............? Water expands when it freezes
The most abundant compound in most living things is what? Water
Water molecules are polar, with the ...? Oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being slightly positive
A solution is an ...? Evenly distributed mixture of two or more substances
If you stir salt into boiling water, you produce a what? Mixture called a Solution
When salt is dissolved in water, water is the what? Solvent
While preparing a cell culture, a scientist places a colony of bacteria into distilled water and stirs it up. This mixture of water and living cells would best be called a what? Suspension
A map of eastern North America, showing the pH of rainfall in the various states, indicates that the pH of rain in New York State varies from 22 to 4 According to thes figures, the most acidic rainfall in New York State has a pH of ...? Two (2)
Solutions that contain concentrations of H+ ions lower than pure water are what? Are Bases
A monosaccharide is a what? Carbohydrate
Which of the following is NOT a monomer? A Protein is NOT a Monomer
Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins: It is NOT a function of proteins to store and transmt genetic information
This is a true statement... DNA molecules are made of nucleotides
When hydrogen and oxyen combine to form water, water is what? A product
Identify the reactants in the chemical reaction, CO2+H2O--H2CO ? CO2 and H2O
What is the process that changes on set of chemicals into another set of chemicals? Chemical Reaction
What is the term used to describe the energy needed to get a reaction started? Activation energy
Chemical reactions that release energy...? Ofton occur Spontaneously
A substance tat accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction is called a what? Catalyst
Which of the following organic compounds is the main source of energy for living things? Carbohydrates
Who was one of the first people to identify and see cork cells? Robert Hooke
The work of Schleiden and Schwann can be summarized by saying that what? All plants and animals are made of cells
Which of the following is NOT a principle of the cell theory? It is NOT a cell theory principle that Very few cells repoduce
Electron microscopes can reveal details ....?1000 1000 Times smaller tha thos visible in light microscopes
Looking at a cell under a microscope, you note that it is a Prokaryote. How do you know? The cell lacks a nucleus
Which of the following contain a nucleus? Eukaryotes
Which of the followin is NOT found in the nucleus? Cytoplasm is NOT found in the nucleus
Which of the following statements explains why the nucleus is important to cells? The Nucleus contains coded instructions for making proteins
Which organelle breaks down food into molecules the cell can use? Lysosome
Which structure makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? Ribosome
Which organelle converts the chemcal energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use? Mitochondrion
Which organelles help provide cells with energy? Mictochondria and Chloroplasts
Which sequence correctly traces the path of a protein in the cell? 1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 2) Golgi apparatus, 3) released from the cell
Which organelle would you expect to find in plant cells but not animal cells? Choloroplast
Which structures carry out cell movement? Microtubules and Microfilaments
The cell membrane contains channels and pumps that help move materials from one side to the other. What are thes channels and pumps mad of? Proteins
Diffusion is the movement of melecules from what? An area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Diffusion occurs because of why? Molecules constantly move and collide with each other
Which means of particle transport requires imput of energy from the cell? Active transport
The diffucion of water across a selvectively permeable membrane is called what? Osmosis
An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst because the osmotic pressure causes what? Water to move into the cell
which term refers to cells having different jobs in an organism? Cell Specialization
The cells of multicellular organisms are what? Specialized to perform different tasks
Which of the following is an example of an organ? Heart
All of the following are type of tissues EXCEPT for this one? Digestive
A group of similar cells that perform a particular function is called a what? Tissue
An organ system is a group of organs that ...? Work together to perform a specific function
When the concentration of molecules on both sides of a membrane is the same, the molecules will do what? Move across the membrane in both directions
Which of the following in NOT a function of the cytoskeleton? The cytoskeleton does NOT prevent chromosomes from seperating.
You will NOT find a cell wall in which of these kinds of organisms? NO cell wall in Animals
The following are example so cell specialization, EXCEPT This one is not an example of cell specialization? Not specialization / a prokaryotic cell that carries out photosynthesis
which of the following is an organ of the digestive system...stomach, never tissue, muccle cell, epithelial tissue? Stomach
what did Griffith observe when he injected into mice a misture of heat-kiled disease-causing bacteria and live harmless bacteria? The mice developed pneumonia
Which of the following is a nueleotide found in DNA? Deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine
DNA replication results in two DNA molecules? Each with one new strand and one original strand
During mitosis, the..... DNA molecules become more tightly coiled
What would Hershey and Chase have concluded if both radioactive 32P and 35S were found in the bacteria in their experiment: Both the virus's protein coat and its DNA were injected into the bacteria
Because of base pairing in DNA, the percentage of.......? Pyrimidines in DNA is about equal to the percentage of Purines
In Eukaryotes, DNA is ....? Located in the Nucleus
DNA is copied during a process called what? Replication
During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases of what? GATCCA
Avery's experiments showed that bacteria are transformed by what? DNA
RNA contains the sugar...? Ribose
Unlike DNA, RNA contains what? Uracil
How many main types of RNA are there? Three (3)
During transcriptio, an RNA molecule is formed where? Inside the Nucleus
Genes contain instructions for assembling what? Proteins
Which type of RNA functions as a blueprint of the genetic code? mRNA
CH 1 T/F The variable that is deliberately change is called the responding variable? False
CH 1 T/F For a hypothesis to have value, it must be testable? True
CH 1 T/F A scientist working in the early 1900s came up with a hypothesis. Over the next 100 year, other scientists tested the hypothesis and found that it always held true. This hypothesis can now rightfully be called a result? False
CH 1 T/F The smallest units that are considered to be alive ar organixms? False
The metric system is based on multiples of 10? False
CH 1 T/F Microscopes produce images by focusing light rays or beams of cells? False
CH 2 T/F the basic unit of matter is the molecule? False
CH 2 T/F Scientists show the composition of compounds by a kind of shorthand known as a chemical formula? True
CH 2 T/F Water is the greatest solute in the world? False
CH 2 T/F Lipids are important parts of biological membranes and waterproof coverings? True
CH 2 T/F the substances that are present when a chemical reaction begins are the products: False
CH 2 T/F Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in the cell are antibodies? False
CH 7 T/F If a cell contains a nucleus, it must be a prokaryote? False
CH 7 T/F The nuclear envelope regulates which substances enter and leave a cell? False
CH 7 T/F A red blood cell placed in pure water will shrink? False
CH 7 T/F The assembly of Ribosomes begins in a small dense structure called the chromatin? False
CH 12 T/F The replication of a DNA molecule results in four copies of the same gene? False
CH 12 T/F DNA is tightly wrapped around nucleosomes? False
CH 12 T/F In eukaryotes, DNA replication proceeds in one direction along the DNA molecule? False
CH 12 T/F If a nucleic acid contains uracit, it is DNA? False
CH 12 T/F The three types of RNA are messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and robosomal RNA? True
CH 12 T/F A codon consists of four nucleotides? False
CH 12 T/F Messenger RNA transfer amino acids to the ribosome? False
During an experiment, measuring the height of a plant in centimeters would be an example of collecting__________ data? Quantitative
The name given to the idea tht life could arise from nonliving mater is? spontanneous generation
Based on his observations, Redi made a prediction that keeping flies away from meat would prevent? magot on meat
The scientist named what finally settled the argument over whether or not life could arise from nonliving matter? pasture
A revised version of the orginal _______ system called SI. metric
In science, a theory is a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of what? observations
The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out its life process is called? metabolism
Needham's fallacy in his experiment was assuming what would kill the animalcules? heat
spallanzani improved on Needham's experiment by doing what with the flask and broth? boiling
The subatomic particles that make up atoms are protons nuetrons and? electrons
The pH scale is a measurment system that indicates the concentration of what in the solution? H+
Due to what forces does the structure of a geko's feet enables it to climbup vertical surfaces? Vanderwaal forces
A chemical bond formed by the transfer of electrons is a? ionic bond
because they have the same number of protons ansd electrons, all isotopes of an element have the same what? chemical and physical properties
During cell division, chromatin condenses to form ______, which are threadlike structures contaniang genetic material. Chromosoms
Eurkaryotes contain specialized structures that preform important cellularfunctions. These strutures are called what? organels
Unlike smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum has what attached to it? ribosomes
Enzymes in the __________ attach carbohydrates and lipids to proteins. Golgi aperatus
Molecules tend to move from an aea where thay are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated. This process is called what? Diffuion
The cells in the multicellular organism have specific jobs. This is called cell what? specilation
Created by: drivernow
Popular Biology sets




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