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AP Mandarin (Les 4)

Chaoyue Textbook

**職業 **occupation
**各行各業 **all trades & profession
廚師 **chef, cook
**職責 **job responsibility
教育 education
**設計 **to design
生意 business
建住師 architect
商人 business person
導遊 tour guide
藝術家 artist
**廢寢忘食 to neglect to eat & sleep
有關 to be related to
遊戲 game
軟體 software (Taiwan)
軟件 software (China)
武術 martial arts
醫藥 medicine
決定 to decide
將來 in the future
more, even more
工程師 engineer
**研究 to study/research
教授 professor
**書法 calligraphy
**平靜 calm
拉小提琴 to play violin
擔心 to worry
**穩定 stable
彈鋼琴 play piano
**選擇 to choose
**思考 to ponder
大自然 nature
熱帶雨林 rain forest
方面 aspect
從是 to engage in
主題 theme
至於 as for
未來 future
買得起 can afford
到處 everywhere
碩士 master's degree
學位 educational degree
博士 doctoral degree
結婚 to get married
提高 to enhance/improve
程度 level of proficiency (Taiwan)
水平 level of proficiency (PCR)
進一步 further
當地 local
社會 society
大概 probably
放棄 to give up
有彈性 flexible
兼顧 to take care of 2 things at same time
法學院 law school
解決 to resolve
口味 taste
清淡 light in taste
嘗嘗 to taste
烤鴨 roast duck
醉蟹 drunk crab
四川 Sichuan Providence
麻辣 numb and spicy
麻婆豆腐 mapo dofu
火鍋 hot pot
發麻 to become numb
甜美 sweetness
家喻戶曉 well known
各地 everywhere
深坑 a city in Taipei County
臭豆腐 stinky tofu
貢丸 meatball
肉圓 kind of dumpling made of cornstrch
珍珠 pearl
奶茶 milk tea
受歡迎 being popular
粉圓 tapioca pearl
Created by: squakie
Popular Chinese sets




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