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Module 7


weather the condition of the earth's atmosphere at any particular time
climate the steady condition that prevails day in and day out in a particular region of creation
thermal energy (blank)
uneven distribution of thermal energy (blank)
water vapor in the atmosphere (blank)
cumulus clouds fluffy clouds
cumulonimbus very large clouds
cirrus clouds clouds made of tiny ice crystals
stratus clouds warm air being lifted
nimbostratus clouds rain and snow producing stratus clouds
lenticular clouds clouds that form around mountains
cirrocumulus clouds a cross between cirrus and cumulus clouds
stratocumulus clouds a cross between stratus and cumulus clouds
cirrostratus clouds a cross between a cirrus and stratus clouds
insolation the sum total of the light that comes to the earth
the earth's distance from the sun a important factor regarding earth's insolation
axila tilt the earth's tilt of 23.5 degrees
aphelion the point at which the earth is farthest from the sun
perihelion the point at which the earth is closest to the sun
hemisphere the two halves of the earth
summer solstice the point at which the entire northern hemisphere gets sun for more than 12 hours and the southern hemisphere gets less than 12
winter solstice the opposite of the summer solstice
spring equinox when both hemispheres get equal amounts of daylight
autumnal equinox the same thing as the spring equinox
lines of longitude imaginary lines that run north and south along the earth
lines of latitude imaginary lines that run east and west across the earth
prime meridian the reference line of longitude
equator the reference line of latitude
low a region of low air pressure
high a region of high air pressure
coriolis effect the way in which the rotation of the earth bends the oath of winds, sea currents and objects that fly through different latitudes
Local winds winds that stay in one area
sea breeze a breeze out at sea during daytime
land breeze a breeze in land during daytime
air mass a large body of air with relatively uniform pressure, termperature and humidity
meteorologists scientists who study weather
arctic air mass very cold air mass
polar air mass cold air mass
tropical air mass warm air masses
maritime a term used to describe air masses over the ocean
continental a term used to describe air masses over land
mT warm air masses over the ocean
mP cold air masses over the ocean
cT warm air masses over land
cP wold air masses over the ocean
weather front a boundry between two air masses
cold front a cold air mass advancing into a region
warm front warm air mass advancing into a region
stationary front when two air masses collide, and become stationary
occluded front when two air masses of the same kind close in on a air mass of another type
Created by: sgt. apone
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