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BUAD309 Final

Ch. 4

Attitude Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events
Cognitive component The opinion or belief segment of an attitude
Affective component The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude
Behavioral Component An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something
Behavior and attitude Cognitive Dissonance: Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes -Desire to reduce dissonance depends on: Importance of elements Degree of individual influence Rewards involved in dissonance -festinger
Job satisfaction A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics
Job involvement Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance is important to self-worth
Psychological empowerment Belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence, job meaningfulness, and autonomy
Organizational commitment Identifying with a particular organization and its goals, while wishing to maintain membership in the organization.
Types of organizational commitment affective, continuance, and normative
Affective commitment emotional attachment to organization
Continuance commitment economic value of staying
normative commitment moral or ethical obligations
Perceived organizational support Degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.Higher when rewards are fair, employees are involved in decision making, and supervisors are seen as supportive. High POS is related to higher O
employee engagement The degree of involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the job. Engaged employees are passionate about their work and company
Distinctiveness of attitudes No: these attitudes are highly related. Variables may be redundant (measuring the same thing under a different name) While there is some distinction, there is also a lot of overlap.
How to measure job satisfaction Summation score (many questions/one average) - OK Single global rating (one question/one answer) – Just as good
Are people satisfied with their jobs? In the U. S., yes, but the level appears to be dropping. Results vary by employee facets of the job. Pay and promotion are the most problematic elements
Causes of job satisfaction Pay influences job satisfaction only to a point -Personality can influence job satisfaction
Impact of dissatisfied employees in the workplace exit- behavior directed towards leaving the org. voice- active and constructive attmepts to improve condiions loyalty-passive waiting for conditions to improve neglect
Outcomes of job satisfaction -Satisfied workers are more productive AND more productive workers are more satisfied! -Satisfaction influences OCB through perceptions of fairness -Satisfied employees are moderately less likely to miss work.
Im[plications for managers Managers should watch (and measure) employee attitudes: They give warnings of potential problems They influence behavior -Reduces costs by lowering turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, theft, and increasing Organizational Citizenship Behavior -pay is no
Created by: rbmooney
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