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ACT science

absolute exiting independent of any other cause
accuracy the relationship between the graduation on a measuring device and the actual standard of the quantity being measured
adverse acting against or in opposite direction
analogous similar or comparable in certain respects
analyze to study the relationship of the parts of something by analysis
application ability to put to a practical use; having something to do with the matter at hand
approximately nearly; an estimate
comprehend to understand fully
concentration the ratio of the amount of solute to the amount of solvent or solution
conclusion a final decision based on facts
confirm to make sure of the truth of something
consequence something produced by a cause or condition
consistent in agreement
constant remaining steady and unchanged
contradiction a statement in opposition to another
control group experimental group in which conditions are controlled
controlled experiment one in which the condition suspected to cause an effect is compared to one without the suspected condition
controlled variable a factor in an experiment that remains constant
correlation a close connection between two ideas or sets of data
criticism finding of fault
definitive most nearly complete or accurate
demonstrate to explain by use of examples or experiments
dependence state of being controlled by something else
dependent variable result or change that occurs due to the part of an experiment being tested
diminish to make smaller or less
direct relationship the connection between two variables that show the same effect
effective producing or able to produce a desired condition
estimation forming a calculation based on incomplete data
ethical following accepted rules of behavior
evaluation the result of a finding, estimating the value of something
evidence that which serves to prove or disapprove something
examine to look at or check carefully
expectation the extent of a chance that something will occur
experiment a test made to find something out
experimental design the plan for a controlled experiment
explanation a statement that makes something clear
extrapolation estimating a value for one characteristic that is beyond the range of a given value of another characteristic
figure a picture that explains
fundamental a basic art
generalization something given as a broad statement or conclusion
hypothesis testable explanation of a question or problem
illustrate to make clear by using examples
imply to suggest rather than to say plainly
inconsistent not in agreement
incorporate to join or unite closely into a single body
independent variable in a controlled experiment the variable that is being changed
indication the act of pointing out or pointing to something
indicator any device that measures records or visibly points out
ingredient any of the components of which something is made
interpolation estimating a value that falls between two known values
interpretation the act of telling the meaning of
inverse relationship the connection between two variables that shows the opposite effect
investigate to study by close or coming at set times
issue something that is questioned
judgment an opinion formed by examining and comparing
justify to prove or show to be right or reasonable
legend a title, description, or key accompanying a figure or map
maximum great as possible in amount or degree
measurement the act of finding out the size or amount of something
mechanism the parts or steps that make up a process or activity
minimum as small as possible in amount or degree
model a patter or figure of something to be made
modify to make changes in something
observation the act of nothing and recording facts and events
opinion a belief based on experience and on seeing certain facts
optimum the best or most favorable degree, condition, or amount
pattern a model, guide, or plan sued in making things
preform to carry out
precision the quality of being exactly stated
predict to figure out and tell beforehand
preference a choosing of or liking for one thing rather than another
probability the quality of being reasonably sure but not certain of something happening or being true
procedure the way in which an action is carried out
proponent one who supports a cause
proportional any quantities or measurement having the same fixed relationship in degree or number
reasonable showing or containing sound thought
refute to prove wrong by argument or evidence
relationship the state of being connected
replicate to copy or reproduce
revise to look over again
simulation the act or process of simulation a system or process
study a careful examination and investigation of an event
suggest to offer as an idea
summarize to state briefly
suport to provide evidence
theory a general rule offered to explain experiences or facts
translate to change from one state of form to another
treatment to expose to some actin
underlying to form the support for something
unite a fixed quantity used as a standard of measurement
validity based on evidence that can be supported
value the quantity or amount for which a symbol stands
variable that which can be judged
viewpoint opinion; judgment
Created by: maggiemullen
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