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jian1; jian4 (mw for rooms); space; time; among; a gap; to separate
jian1; jian4 (mw for rooms); space; time; among; a gap; to separate
办公室 ban4gong1shi4 office
辦公室 ban4gong1shi4 office
zhe5; zhao2; zhuo2 -ing (indicating action in progress); to touch; to feel; to wear; apply
tao4 cover; (mw for sets of things); tie together
沙发 sha1fa1 sofa
沙發 sha1fa1 sofa
li4 to stand; to set up (Kangxi radical 117)
pai2 to line up; a row; a platoon; to discharge
书架 shu1jia4 bookshelf
書架 shu1jia4 bookshelf
qiang2 wall
qiang2 wall
gua4 hang; put up; suspend
gua4 hang; put up; suspend
好几 hao3ji3 quite a few
好幾 hao3ji3 quite a few
山水画儿 shan1shui3hua4r5 mountain-water-painting; landscape painting
山水畫兒 shan1shui3hua4r5 mountain-water-painting; landscape painting
li2 leave; depart; go away; apart from
li2 leave; depart; go away; apart from
yuan3 far; distant; remote
yuan3 far; distant; remote
办公桌 ban4gong1zhuo1 desk; bureau
辦公桌 ban4gong1zhuo1 desk; bureau
颜色 yan2se4 color
顏色 yan2se4 color
电话 dian4hua4 telephone; phone call
電話 dian4hua4 telephone; phone call
bai3 to put (on); arrange; to sway; pendulum
bai3 to put (on); arrange; to sway; pendulum
绿色 lv4se4 green
綠色 lv4se4 green
烟灰缸 yan1hui1gang1 ashtray
煙灰缸 yan1hui1gang1 ashtray
头发 tou2fa5 hair (on the head)
頭髮 tou2fa5 hair (on the head)
灰白 hui1bai2 ash-colored
眼镜儿 yan3jing4r5 glasses; spectacles
眼鏡兒 yan3jing4r5 glasses; spectacles
穿 chuan1 to wear; put on; penetrate
西服 xi1fu2 suit; Western-style clothes
中年人 zhong1nian2ren2 middle-aged person
贸易 mao4yi4 (commercial) trade
貿易 mao4yi4 (commercial) trade
总经理 zong3jing1li3 general manager
總經理 zong3jing1li3 general manager
zong3 always; general; assemble; total
zong3 always; general; assemble; total
对面 dui4mian4 opposite; across from; the other side
對面 dui4mian4 opposite; across from; the other side
月历 yue4li4 monthly calendar
月曆 yue4li4 monthly calendar
zai4 at; on; in; exist; (indicating an action in progress)
算日子 suan4 ri4zi5 count the days
日子 ri4zi5 days; date; time; life
万里长城 Wan4li3 Chang2cheng2 the Great Wall of China
萬里長城 Wan4li3 Chang2cheng2 the Great Wall of China
li3 inside; internal; village
li3 Chinese mile (~.5 km); neighborhood (Kangxi radical 166)
公里 gong1li3 kilometer
公里 gong1li3 kilometer
英里 ying1li3 mile
英里 ying1li3 mile
zheng4; zheng1 straight; currently; correct; just (right); pure; precisely; first lunar month
毛毛雨 mao2mao2yu3 drizzle; light rain
hei1 black; dark (Kangxi radical 203); Heilongjiang province (abbreviation)
下来 xia4 lai2 come down; (verb suffix indicating continuation
下來 xia4 lai2 come down; (verb suffix indicating continuation
di1 low; to lower (one's head); droop
屋子 wu1zi5 room; house
来回来去地 lai2hui2lai2qu4de5 backwards and forwards
來回來去地 lai2hui2lai2qu4de5 backwards and forwards
起来 qi3 lai5 (beginning or continuing an action); to rise; get up (from bed)
起來 qi3 lai5 (beginning or continuing an action); to rise; get up (from bed)
每隔 mei3ge2 at intervals of; every (so often)
ge2 to separate; stand or lie between; to divide
正在 zheng4zai4 in the process of (doing something); currently
要紧 yao4jin3 important; urgent; essential
要緊 yao4jin3 important; urgent; essential
自从 zi4cong2 since; ever since
自從 zi4cong2 since; ever since
年轻人 nian2qing1ren2 young people
年輕人 nian2qing1ren2 young people
单枪匹马 dan1qiang1pi3ma3 single-handed; unaccompanied
單槍匹馬 dan1qiang1pi3ma3 single-handed; unaccompanied
qiang1 gun; spear
qiang1 gun; spear
电报 dian4bao4 telegram; cable; telegraph
電報 dian4bao4 telegram; cable; telegraph
hui4; kuai4 know how; be good at; be likely to; meeting; conference; accounts
hui4; kuai4 know how; be good at; be likely to; meeting; conference accounts
报告 bao4gao4 to report; make known; inform; speech; lecture
報告 bao4gao4 to report; make known; inform; speech; lecture
一切 yi2qie4 all; every; everything
从起 cong2 ... qi3 starting from
從起 cong2 ... qi3 starting from
紧张 jin3zhang1 nervous; tension; strain
緊張 jin3zhang1 nervous; tension; strain
ling2 bell
ling2 bell
xiang3 make a sound; to ring; echo
xiang3 make a sound; to ring; echo
赶紧 gan3jin3 at once; hurriedly; lose no time
趕緊 gan3jin3 at once; hurriedly; lose no time
长途 chang2tu2 long distance
長途 chang2tu2 long distance
线 xian4 thread; string; wire; line; route
xian4 thread; string; wire; line; route
接通 jie1tong1 connect; put through; connection charge
wei4; wei2 hey; to feed; hello (on the phone)
wei4; wei2 hey
xue3 snow
下雪 xia4xue3 to snow
零下 ling2xia4 below zero centigrade
du4; duo2 capacity; degree; (mw for temperature); measure; scale; estimate
故宫 Gu4gong1 the Forbidden City in Beijing; the Imperial Palace
故宮 Gu4gong1 the Forbidden City in Beijing; the Imperial Palace
旅馆 lv3guan3 hotel
旅館 lv3guan3 hotel
伟大 wei3da4 great; mighty; large
偉大 wei3da4 great; mighty; large
进行 jin4xing2 carry on; carry out; undertake
進行 jin4xing2 carry on; carry out; undertake
方面 fang1mian4 aspect; field; side
方面 fang1mian4 aspect; field; side
联系 lian2xi4 integrate; link; connection; contact
聯繫 lian2xi4 integrate; link; connection; contact
有关 you3guan1 have something do with; concerning; related to
有關 you3guan1 have something do with; concerning; related to
帮忙 bang1mang2 to help
幫忙 bang1mang2 to help
设立 she4li4 set up; establish
設立 she4li4 set up; establish
办事处 ban4shi4chu4 office; agency
辦事處 ban4shi4chu4 office; agency
下去 xia4qu5 go down; descend; to go on (continue)
手续 shou3xu4 formalities; procedure
手續 shou3xu4 formalities; procedure
旅费 lv3fei4 travel expenses
旅費 lv3fei4 travel expenses
bang4 pound (sterling)
bang4 pound (sterling)
毛病 mao2bing4 fault; bad habit; shortcoming
bing4 ailment; sickness; illness
出毛病 chu1mao2bing4 a problem appears; to break down
排队 pai2 dui4 queue; stand in line
排隊 pai2 dui4 queue; stand in line
电影院 dian4ying3yuan4 cinema; movie theater
電影院 dian4ying3yuan4 cinema; movie theater
盘子 pan2zi5 plate; dish; tray
盤子 pan2zi5 plate; dish; tray
Created by: Timmy19
Popular Chinese sets




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