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Hua Shuo Zhongguo L3

亲爱的 qin1'ai4de5 sweetheart; darling; dear
親愛的 qin1'ai4de5 sweetheart; darling; dear
暑假 shu3jia4 summer vacation
旅行团 lv3xing2 tuan2 tour group
旅行團 lv3xing2 tuan2 tour group
游览 you2lan3 go sight-seeing; tour
遊覽 you2lan3 go sight-seeing; tour
觉得 jue2de5 feel; think
覺得 jue2de5 feel; think
朝代 chao2dai4 dynasty; reign (of a king)
"朝 chao2
morning; day"
dai4 era; generation; dynasty; substitute; replace
国都 guo2du1 the national capital
國都 guo2du1 the national capital
连着 lian2zhe5 continuously
連着 lian2zhe5 continuously
建筑 jian4zhu4 building; to construct; architecture
建築 jian4zhu4 building; to construct; architecture
雄伟 xiong2wei3 grand; majestic
雄偉 xiong2wei3 grand; majestic
壮观 zhuang4guan1 spectacular; grand (of buildings
壯觀 zhuang4guan1 spectacular; grand (of buildings
了不起 liao3bu5qi3 incredible; extraordinary; great; amazing
了不起 liao3bu5qi3 incredible; extraordinary; great; amazing
广场 guang3chang3 public square; plaza
廣場 guang3chang3 public square; plaza
宫殿 gong1dian4 palace
宮殿 gong1dian4 palace
后来 hou4lai2 afterwards; after; later
後來 hou4lai2 afterwards; after; later
特色 te4se4 characteristic; distinguishing feature
公元 gong1yuan2 (year) AD or CE; Christian era; common era
世纪 shi4ji4 century
世紀 shi4ji4 century
博物馆 bo2wu4guan3 museum
博物館 bo2wu4guan3 museum
相当 xiang1dang1 equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; quite
相當 xiang1dang1 equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; quite
地位 di4wei4 position; status
不但而且 bu2dan4 ... er2qie3 not only ... but also ...
优美 you1mei3 graceful; fine; elegant
優美 you1mei3 graceful; fine; elegant
顺流而下 shun4liu2'er2xia4 go down the river; rowing downstream
順流而下 shun4liu2'er2xia4 go down the river; rowing downstream
xia2 gorge
xia2 gorge
dou3 steep; suddenly
江面 jiang1mian4 river surface
江面 jiang1mian4 river surface
zhai3 narrow; petty; hard-up
曲折 qu1zhe2 winding; zigzag; complicated
zhuang4 to hit; collide; run into
拐弯儿 guai3 wan1r5 go round a curve; turn a corner; a new direction
拐彎兒 guai3 wan1r5 go round a curve; turn a corner; a new direction
shi1 poem; poetry; verse
shi1 poem; poetry; verse
诗人 shi1ren2 poet; bard
詩人 shi1ren2 poet; bard
两岸猿声啼不住轻舟已过万重山 liang3'an4yuan2sheng1ti2bu2zhu4qing1zhou1yi3guo4wan4zhong4shan1 yet monkeys are still calling on banks behind me
兩岸猿聲啼不住輕舟已過萬重山 liang3'an4yuan2sheng1ti2bu2zhu4qing1zhou1yi3guo4wan4zhong4shan1 yet monkeys are still calling on banks behind me
港口 gang3kou3 port; harbor
旅馆 lv3guan3 hotel
旅館 lv3guan3 hotel
一天到晚 yi4tian1dao4wan3 all day
热闹 re4nao5 bustling; lively; busy
熱鬧 re4nao5 bustling; lively; busy
园林之城 yuan2lin2zhi1cheng2 garden city
園林之城 yuan2lin2zhi1cheng2 garden city
小巧 xiao3qiao3 exquisite; delicate; compact
别致 bie2zhi4 unique; unconventional; fancy
別致 bie2zhi4 unique; unconventional; fancy
ge4 each; every
按照 an4zhao4 according to; in accordance with; in light of
建造 jian4zao4 to construct; to build; make
另外 ling4wai4 another; in addition; besides
三面环山 san1mian4huan2shan1 with mountains on three sides
三面環山 san1mian4huan2shan1 with mountains on three sides
秀丽 xiu4li4 beautiful; pretty
秀麗 xiu4li4 beautiful; pretty
把比作 ba3 ... bi3zuo4 to compare ... to
女子 nv3zi3 woman; a female
民间 min2jian1 among the people; popular; folk
民間 min2jian1 among the people; popular; folk
传说 chuan2shuo1 it is said; legend; pass on (a story)
傳說 chuan2shuo1 it is said; legend; pass on (a story)
he2 small box; case
品尝 pin3chang2 try; taste a small amount; to sample
品嘗 pin3chang2 try; taste a small amount; to sample
亲眼 qin1yan3 with one's own eyes; personally
親眼 qin1yan3 with one's own eyes; personally
进一步 jin4 yi2 bu4 to advance; go a step further; further
進一步 jin4 yi2 bu4 to advance; go a step further; further
教导 jiao4dao3 instruct; teach
教導 jiao4dao3 instruct; teach
xi4 fine; minutely; thin; slender
xi4 fine; minutely; thin; slender
衷心 zhong1xin1 heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial
zhu4 to wish; bless
yuan2 Chinese monetary unit; dollar; first; principal
ming2 clear; bright; light; brilliant
qing1 clear; pure
天安门广场 Tian1'an1men2 Guang3chang3 Tiananmen Square
天安門廣場 Tian1'an1men2 Guang3chang3 Tiananmen Square
故宫 Gu4gong1 the Forbidden City in Beijing; the Imperial Palace
故宮 Gu4gong1 the Forbidden City in Beijing; the Imperial Palace
西安 Xi1'an1 Xi'an
Qin2 Qin dynasty (221-207 BCE); (abbr.) Shaanxi province
han4 Han majority ethnic group in China; Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)
han4 Han majority ethnic group in China; Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)
Tang2 Tang dynasty (618-907); (a common surname)
秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Qin2shi3huang2bing1ma3yong3bo2wu4guan3 Museum of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors
秦始皇兵馬俑博物館 Qin2shi3huang2bing1ma3yong3bo2wu4guan3 Museum of Emperor Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors
重庆 Chong2qing4 Chongqing
重慶 Chong2qing4 Chongqing
三峡 san1xia2 Three Gorges
三峽 san1xia2 Three Gorges
武汉 Wu3han4 Wuhan
武漢 Wu3han4 Wuhan
纽约市 niu3yue1shi4 New York City
紐約市 niu3yue1shi4 New York City
西湖 Xi1hu2 West Lake
西子湖 Xi1zi3hu2 West Lake in Hangzhou
宋代 song4dai4 Song dynasty (960-1279)
西施 Xi1 Shi1 Xi Shi (cerca 450 BCE)
龙井茶 long2jing3cha2 Long Jing tea
龍井茶 long2jing3cha2 Long Jing tea
Created by: Timmy19
Popular Chinese sets




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