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Hua Shuo Zhongguo L1

地理 di4li3 geography
環境 huan2jing4
感兴趣 gan3 xing4qu4
感興趣 gan3 xing4qu4 be interested in
兴趣 xing4qu4 interest (in something or somebody)
興趣 xing4qu4 interest (in something or somebody)
东部 dong1bu4 the east; the eastern part
東部 dong1bu4 the east; the eastern part
不只而且 bu4zhi3... er2qie3 not only... but also
不只而且 bu4zhi3... er2qie3 not only... but also
人口 ren2kou3 population; the populace
悠久 you1jiu3 established; long; longstanding
物产 wu4chan3 products; produce
物產 wu4chan3 products; produce
可讲的 ke3jiang3de5 worth mentioning
可講的 ke3jiang3de5 worth mentioning
从讲起 cong2jiang3qi3 begin speech with
從講起 cong2jiang3qi3 begin speech with
摇篮 yao2lan2 cradle
搖籃 yao2lan2 cradle
由往 you2...wang3... from... to...
祖先 zu3xian1 ancestor; forbearer
流域 liu2yu4 river basin; valley; drainage area
创造 chuang4zao4 create; bring about; creativity
創造 chuang4zao4 create; bring about; creativity
古代 gu3dai4 ancient times
农业 nong2ye4 agriculture; farming
農業 nong2ye4 agriculture; farming
发达 fa1da2 developed (country
發達 fa1da2 developed (country
经济 jing1ji4 economy; economic
經濟 jing1ji4 economy; economic
中心 zhong1xin1 center; heart; core
an4 bank; shore; beach; coast
名胜古迹 ming2sheng4gu3ji4 famous scenic spots and ancient historic sites
名勝古跡 ming2sheng4gu3ji4 famous scenic spots and ancient historic sites
难道吗 nan2dao4...ma1 do you really mean to say that ...?
難道嗎 nan2dao4...ma1 do you really mean to say that ...?
发生 fa1sheng1 happen; occur; take place
發生 fa1sheng1 happen; occur; take place
水灾 shui3zai1 flood
水災 shui3zai1 flood
大量 da4liang4 great amount; large quantity
泥沙 ni2sha1 silt; sediment
经过 jing1guo4 to pass; go through; as a result of
經過 jing1guo4 to pass; go through; as a result of
治理 zhi4li3 to bring under control; to govern; to manage
发电 fa1 dian4 generate electricity
發電 fa1 dian4 generate electricity
灌溉 guan4gai4 irrigate
上中下游 shang4zhong1xia4you2 upper
上中下游 shang4zhong1xia4you2 upper
盆地 pen2di4 basin
肥沃 fei2wo4 fertile
风景 feng1jing3 scenery; landscape
風景 feng1jing3 scenery; landscape
大大小小 da4da4xiao3xiao3 large and small; of all sizes
鱼米之乡 yu2mi3zhi1xiang1 land of fish and rice; land of milk and honey
魚米之鄉 yu2mi3zhi1xiang1 land of fish and rice; land of milk and honey
天堂 tian1tang2 paradise; heaven
像一样 xiang4 ... yi2yang4 to seem the same as...
像一樣 xiang4 ... yi2yang4 to seem the same as...
只有才 zhi3you3...cai2 only if
和相比 he2...xiang1bi3 compare with
平原 ping2yuan2 field; plain; flatlands
农业区 nong2ye4 qu1 agricultural region
農業區 nong2ye4 qu1 agricultural region
qu1 region; area; district
qu1 region; area; district
大部分 da4bu4fen5 majority; the great part of
山地 shan1di4 mountainous region; hilly country
ping2 flat; level; equal; ordinary
雨水 yu3shui3 rainwater; Rainwater (one of 24 solar terms)
充足 chong1zu2 adequate; sufficient; abundant
kao4 depend on; lean on; near; to trust
交通 jiao1tong1 traffic; transportation
起作用 qi3zuo4yong4 take effect; be effective
最后 zui4hou4 last; final; ultimately
最後 zui4hou4 last; final; ultimately
研究 yan2jiu1 to study; to research
亚洲 Ya4zhou1 Asia
亞洲 Ya4zhou1 Asia
黄河 huang2he2 Yellow River
黃河 huang2he2 Yellow River
山东 Shan1dong1 Shandong province
山東 Shan1dong1 Shandong province
黄土高原 huang2tu3gao1yuan2 Loess Plateau of northwest China
黃土高原 huang2tu3gao1yuan2 Loess Plateau of northwest China
长江 Chang2jiang1 the Yangtze River; the Changjiang River
長江 Chang2jiang1 the Yangtze River; the Changjiang River
四川 Si4chuan1 Sichuan province
苏州 Su1zhou1 Suzhou (a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province)
蘇州 Su1zhou1 Suzhou (a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province)
杭州 Hang2zhou1 Hangzhou (capital of Zhejiang Province)
东北 dong1bei3 Northeast
東北 dong1bei3 Northeast
桂林 Gui4lin2 Guilin (city in Guangxi province)
珠江 zhu1jiang1 Zhujiang River; Pearl River
广州 Guang3zhou1 Guangzhou
廣州 Guang3zhou1 Guangzhou
Created by: Timmy19
Popular Chinese sets




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