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SAT vocab.

This is Vocabulary words for the 3rd quarter.

Abhor hates, loathes, detests
Abstraction a deduction, an idea separate from specific objects
Acme top, highest point of perfection
Affluence riches, abundance, opulence
Amnesty a general pardon for offenses against a government, a grant of immunity
Assuage lessen, pacify, mitigate
Bilious sour, bad-tempered, crabbed
Blasé bored, uninterested
Captious quibbling, carping
Circumspect cautious, careful, unobjectionable
Contraband smuggled goods, prohibited goods
Countenance face, expression, features
Deleterious bad, harmful, injurious
Despot bully, dictator, tyrant
Dissident disagreeing, dissenting
Effrontery nerve, boldness, presumption
Erudite well-read, scholarly
Expatiate expand, enlarge
Felicitous fitting, apt, appropriate
Garrulous talkative, chattery, loquacious
Gesticulate making motions, making gestures
Hue shades, tints
Impasse standstill, deadlock, an insoluble difficulty
Ineluctable certain, unavoidable
Intransigent stubborn, uncompromising, irreconcilable
Ken knowing, field of knowledge, cognizance
Lucid clear, enlightening, comprehensible
Malinger shirking their work, evading duty, feigning incapacity
Mnemonic memory improvement
Myriad crowds of, very numerous, innumerable
Narcissistic self-centered, self-adulatory, egoistic
Odious hateful, disgusting, offensive
Palpitate heat quickly, pounded
Paraphrase restatement, a statement meant in other words
Pedant narrow-minded, trivial person
Peroration conclusion, summary, recapitulation
Platonic idealistis, spiritual, unsensual
Pragmatic practical, business like, factual
Promiscuous loose, sexually uncontrolled
Recalcitrant resisting authority, uncooperative, refractory
Created by: oldercousin
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