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Pathology on main meridian

Lu Cough, asth stuffy nose, SOB, dry tho, changes icolor of urine, hemoptysis, congested and sore throat, fever, aversion to cold, sensation of fullness in the chest, pain in supraclavicular fossa, back and anterior border o f medial aspect o f the arm.
LI Epistaxis, diarrhea, dysentery, watery nasal dis toothach swollen painful gums, congested sore thro, fever, borbory red, swollen, painful eyes, nosebleed, abdominal pain, pain in the neck, antr shoulders antr border of the extensors of the upper limbs.
St Borbory abd , edema, epigas pain, vomiting, hunger, epista deviat m. N eyes, pain eyes, facial paralysis, congested and sore throat, fever, mental disturbances, chest pain, coldness low limb sensitivity to cold, swelling neck, pain abd latr asp low limb
Sp Epig pain, vomit belching, loose stools, fatigue, jaundice, abd disten heavy body, lass stiff pain at the root of the tongue, edema, vaginal discharge, weakness of the leg muscles, swelling and a feeling of cold in the area medial to the knee and thigh.
Ht Palpita fever, pain in the eyes, HA, cardiac pain, hypochondriac pain, thirst, night sweats, insomnia, dry throat, pain in the medial aspect of the upper arm and a heat sensation in the palms. Pain along the scapula or medial aspect of the forearm.
SI Yellow sclera in the eyes, deafness, frequent urination, distension and pain in the lower abdominal region, sore throat, swollen cheek and neck, stiff neck, pain in the elbow, pain along the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the shoulder and arm.
UB Enuresis, retention of urine, epistaxis, nasal obstruction, occipital headache, mental disturbance, rhinitis, tearing when exposed wind, fever and aver to cold, pain nape of the neck, upper and low parts back, posterior asp low limbs, malaria, pain eyes.
KD Frequent urination, impotence, enuresis, irregular menses, asthma, hemoptysis, dry tongue, congested and sore throat, edema, pain along the spine, Lwb pain, weak lower limb, esp in knees and hot sen in soles of the feet, coldn feet, pain sole of the foot.
SJ Dysuria, tinnitus, deafness, congested and sore throat, alternating chills and fever, pain in out canthus, redness in the eyes, abdominal distension, edema, enuresis, swell cheeks, pain & in ear, pain retroauricular area, shoulder & latr asp arm & elbow.
PC Palpitations, cardiac pain, irri, impaired speech, mental restlessness, flushed face, mental disorders, pain in the eyes, stifling feeling in the chest, swelling feeling in the axilla, stiff neck, spasms in upper limbs & a sensation of heat in the palms
GB Blur vision, bit/t in mouth, H/a, pain out canthus, scro, alt fever & chills, inability to turn eyes R or L, pain jaw, supraclavi fossa, axilla, along latr asp chest, hypochon region, thigh,& low limbs. Pain & disten breast. Pain along chnlin hip area.
LV Hiccup, hernia, vertex h/a, dry throat, tinnitus, vertigo, blur vision, pain & swelling eye, fever, pruritis, spasms in extremities, cramps in legs, enuresis, dysuria, mental disturb, pain in low back, fullness in the chest and pain in low abdm region.
Created by: djraspberry
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