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Chapter 12

Bodies of Water

Oceans make up___ of worlds water? 97%
Glaciers make up____ of worlds total water. 2.15%
Groundwater make_____ of worlds total water. .62%
___% of freshwater is used for agriculture. 70%
___% of freshwater is used for industry use. 20%
___% of freshwater is used for residential and manicipal use. 10%
How much water does the average person in the USA use? 78 gallons per day
how many states does the Colorado river provide water for? 7 States & Mexico -Diversion has drastically altered the rivers ecology -1400 miles from Rocky Mtns to Gulf of Califronia
What are some pro's about dams? -they generate electricity -Flood Control - Store water for later use -Recreation
What are some con's about dams? -Alter sediment deposition -Alters habitats - Declining fisheries/bad for salmon - Population displacement
Whats the larges dam in the world? -may replace coal or nuclear plants- China's Three Gorges Dam
some con's of the Three Gorges Dam costs 25 Billion Displacement of populations Drowning Farmland and wildlife habitat
Water held in aquifers underground GROUNDWATER
Porous formation of rock, sand, or gravel that conducts groundwater Aquifer
Rock or sediments that retards the flow of water Aquitard
pore spaces are partially filled with water Zone of Aeration
spaces are completely filled with water Zone of Saturation
boundary between the two zones (zone of aeration)& (zone of saturation) Water Table
Worlds largest known Aquifer the Ogallala Aquifer
Once the 4th largest lake Volume decreased by 80% Remaining water became saltier; fish died The Aral Sea
What are some benefits of wetlands? -Wildlife habitat -Reduce flooding -recharge aquifers -filters pollutants
point where saltwater intrudes into coastal areas Zone of diffusion (interface)
when water table drops this can happen land subsides
makes freshwater Desalinization
teh removal of salt from seawater or other water of marginal quality Desalination
Evaporates and then condenses the vapor Distilling
forces water through membrane to filter out salts Reverse Osmosis
Cons of Desalinization -Expensive -Requires fossil fuels -Produces very sa
how to reduce water in Agricultural? -Drip irrigation systems - match crops to land and climate - raise crops that require less water - Raise crops that require less water - Selective Breeding - Genetic modification - Eat less meat
how to reduce water at home? -low-flow toilets, washing machines, etc. -water lawns at night -grey water Xeriscaping: using plants adapted to arid conditions
how to reduce water in Industry - Wastewater recycling - Shift to processes that use less water
water bodies fill completely in through the process of? succession
the Enrichment of a body of water by plant and algal nutrients Eutrophication
Eutrophic lakes have? -lots of nutrients -cloudy water
Oligotrophic lakes have? -fewer nutrients -clear water
bed of low permeability along an aquifer Aquitard
area of land drained by a river and its tributaries Watershed
fertile areas that a river floods periodically Floodplain
Areas along a river Riparian
the release of matter or energy into the environment that causes undesirable impacts on the health of humans or other organisms Pollution
high levels of P (fertilizers & household detergents) 1958: salmon gone 1970-1999: purification plants built -High levels of metals & salt 1986: insecticides & pesticides flushed into river when a fire was extinguished Rhine River Basin
What was addressed by the Clear Water Act Point Source (Factories, Sewage treatment plants, Animal feedlots)
are non-point source regulated? no (farms, lawns, golf courses, construction sites, deforested and overgrazed land) also abandoned mines
What are some sources of nutrient pollution? -fertilizers - Farms, golf courses, lawns -Sewage
what are Solutions for nutrient pollution - Treat wastewater -Reduce Fertilizers application -Plant vegetation to increase nutrient uptake -Phosphate-free detergents
What are some toxic chemicals from natural and synthetic sources -pesticides -petroleum products -arsenic, lead, mercury -acidic rain, acid drainage from mines
What are some sediment pollutants? -mining -clear-cutting -housing development -poor cultivation practices
What are some thermal pollutants -from industry; removing streamside vegetation -Warmer water holds less oxygen
What are some Biological indicators of water quality? -Presence of fecal coliform bacteria, algae, and aquatic invertebrates
What are some chemical indicators of water quality? -nutrient concentration, pH, taste, odor, hardness, dissolved oxygen
What are some physical indicators of water quality? -temperature, color, turbidity
-Permit required to discharge pollution -Standards set for industrial wastewater -Funded construction of sewage treatment plants Clear Water Act (1977)
Created by: 637638111
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