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Spanish Vocab


Talla size
Talla grande big size
Talla mediana medium size
Talla pequeña small size
(a) topos (with) dots
Zapatos planos flat shoes, shoes without high heels
Tejidos clothes materials
Algodón cotton
Lana wool
Lino linen
poliéster polyester
piel leather, fur
seda silk
tejano, -a denim
los verbos verbs
comprar to buy
costar to cost
llevar to wear; to carry
necesitar to need
tallasm, tamanos sizes
formas shapes
me pongo I put on
me quito I take off
llevar wear
ancho, -a wide
estrecho, -a tight or thin
(a) cuadros plaid
corto, -a short
grande big
largo, -a long
liso solid color
mediano, -a medium
manga sleave
manga corta short sleave
manga larga long sleaves
(sin) managas (without) sleaves
Numero number
Plano, -a flat
Raya stripe
Rayado, -a with stripes.
Abotonar to button (up)
El abrigo coat, overcoat
Abrochar to do up, to fasten
La aguja needle
El alfiler pin
Anillo ring
Apretado tight
Arreglar to mend, to repair
Áspero rough
Bañador swimming/ bathing costume, swimming trunks
Blando soft
Blusa blouse, overall
Bolsillo pocket
Bolso handbag
Bota boot
Botón button
Bragas knickers
Brillante bright, brilliant, shiny, glossy
Bufanda scarf
calcetín sock
calzado footwear
calzoncillos underpants
cambiarse to change, to get changed
camisa shirt
camiseta t- shirt, tee-shirt, vest
camisón nightdress, nightie
chaqueta jacket
cinturón belt
collar necklace
color colour
cómodo comfortable
corbata tie, cravat(e)
cordon ( de zapato) (shoe) lace
correa strap
coser to sew
cremallera zip
cuello collar
hilo thread
impermeable – raincoat, waterproof (coat) (blank)
jersey jersey, sweater, pullover, jumper
mancha stain, mark, spot
maquiillaje make-up
máquina de coser sewing machine
medias stockings
moda fashionable
monedero purse
morado purple
nylon nylon
oro gold, made of gold
pantalones trousers
los pantalones cortos short trouser, shorts
pañuelo handkerchief, (head) scarf
paraguas umbrella
pendiente pendant, earring
perfume perfume, scent
pajama (pair of) pyjamas
plata made of silver
plateado silver incolour, silvery
ponerse to put on
prenda garment, article of clothing
pulsera bracelet
quitar to take of
rasgar to tear, to rip
reloj (de pulsera) (wrist) watch
ropa clothing, clothes
ropa interior underwear, underclothes
sandalia sandal
seda silk
sombrero hat
cuero leather
desabotonar to un button
desabrochar to undo, to unfasten
desnudarse to undress (oneself ) , to get undressed, to strip
desnudo naked, bare, nude
dorado gold, golden
elegante elegant
entallar to (be a ) good fit
falda skirt
forro lining
gafas glasses, spectacles
gafas de sol sunglasses
gorra (peaked ) cap
grueso thick, coarse
guante glove
suave smooth
sujetador bra
tela cloth, fabric, material
tenir to dye
tercipelo velvet
traje (man’s) suit
tricotar to knit
uniforme uniform
vaqueros jeans
velo veil
verde green
vestido woman’s dress
zapatilla slipper
zapato shoe
zapatos de tacon (alto) high-heeled shoes, high heels
Popular Spanish sets




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