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Management Chap-16

Robbins & Coulter 11th Edition

Motivation the process by which a person's efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal
Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow's theory that human needs (physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self actualization) for a sort of hierarchy
Physiological Needs a person's needs for food, drink, shelter, sexual satisfaction, and other physical needs
Safety Needs a person's needs for security and protection from physical and emotional harm
Social Needs a person's needs for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship
Esteem Needs a person's needs for internal factors such as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement, and external factors such as status, recognition, and attention
Self- Actualization Needs a person's need to become what he or she is capable of becoming
Theory X the assumption that employees dislike work, are lazy, avoid responsibility, and must be coerced to perform
Theory Y the assumption that employess are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction
Two-Factor Theory (Motivation/Hygiene) Theory the motivation that intrinsicfactors are related to job satisfactionand motivation, whereas extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction
Hygiene Factors factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction, but don't motivate
Motivators factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation
Three-Needs Theory the motivation theory that says three acquired(not innate) needs( achievement, power, and affiliation) are major motives in work
Need for Achievement (nAch) the drive to succeed and excel in relation to a set of standards
Need for Power ( nPow) the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise
Need for Affiliation ( nAff) the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships
Goal- Setting Theory the proposition that specific goals increase performance and that difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals
Self-efficacy an individuals needs that he or she is capable of performing a task
Reinforcement Theory the theory that behavior is a function of its consequences
Reinforcers consequences immediately following a behavior, which increase the probability that the behavior will be repeated
Job Design the way tasks are combined to form complete jobs
Job Scope the number of different tasks required in a job and the frequency with which those tasks are repeated
Job Enlargement the horizaontal expansion of a job by increasing job scope
Job Enrichment the vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating reponsibilities
Job Depth the degree of control employees have over their work
Job Characteristics Model (JCM) a framework for analyzing and designing jobs that identifies five primary core job dimensions, their interrelationships, and their impact on outcomes
Skill Variety the degree to which a job requires a variety of activities so that an employee can use a number of different skills and talents
Task Identity the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work
Task Significance the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people
Autonomy the degree to which a job provides substantial freedon, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling work and determinin the procedures to be used in carrying it out
Feedback the degree to which carrying out work activities required by a job results in the individual's obtaining direct and clear information about his or her performance effectiveness
Relational Perspective of Work Design an approach to job design that focuses on how people's tasks and jobs are increasingly based on social relationships
Proactive Perspective of Work Design an approach to job design in which employees take the initiative to change how their work is performed
High Involvement Work Practices work practices designed to elicit greater input or involvement from workers
Equity Theory the theory that an employee compares his or her job's input-outcomes ration with that of relevant others and then corrects any inequity
Referents the persons, systems, or selves against which individuals compare themselves to assess equity
Distributive Justice perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals
Procedural Justice perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards
Expectancy Theory the theory that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual
Open-Book Management a motivational approach in which an organization's financial statements( the books) are shared with all employees
Employee Recognition Programs personal attention and expressing interest approval and appreciation for a job well done
Pay-For-Performance programs variable compensation plans that pay employees on the basis of some performance measure
Created by: 1257641797
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