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HCTA MedTerm ch13

HCTA MedTerm Ch 13 Urinary System

albumin/o protein
bacteri/o bacteria
Cyst/o, Vesic/o Bladder (Sac)
dips/o Thirst
glomerul/o glomerulus (small ball)
gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o glucose (sugar)
ket/o, keton/o ketone bodies
lith/o stone
meat/o meatus (opening)
nephro/o, ren/o kidney
pyel/o Renal Pelvis "basin"
py/o pus
Ureter/o Ureter
Urethr/o Urethra
Ur/o, Urin/o Urine
Nephrologist specializes in? Kidney & Male Reproductive System
Urologist specializes in? Urologist: Entire Reproductive System (more of a generalist)
Term(s) meaning Incision into the Bladder? vesico/tomy, cysto/tomy
What are the synonyms meaning Pain in the Urethra? Urethralgia = Urethrodynia
-osis is suffix meaning? -osis: An Increase or Condition of...
Pyonephritis ? Pus & Inflammation of the Kidney
Pyeloplasty ? Pyeloplasty: Surgical repair of the renal pelvis
Cortex is what part of the kidney? Cortex: Outter Part of Kidney (Cortex = Bark)
Hilum is what area (shape/side) of the Kidney? Hilum: Indented side of Kidney, Openings where vessels enter/exit
Medulla is what part of kidney? Medulla: Inner part of Kidney
Calices, Calyces ? Calyces (Calix, Calyx): Ducts that Carry Urine from Nephrons to the Renal Pelvis (Kalyx = Cup of a Flower)
Nephron is? Nephron: Functional Unit of the Kidney, forms Urine, 1 million per kidney
Glomerulus? Small ball shaped cluster of capillaries located at top of each nephron, filters blood plasma
Bowman's Capsule? Outter Enclosure that surrounds the glomerulus
Renal Tubules? Sections that form the overal Tubule structure that condenses urine, reabsorbs/excretes H2O, minerals, and sugars
Ureter? Tube that carries urine from kidneys to the bladder
renal pelvis ? basin-like portion of ureter w/in the kidney
Ureter? Ureter: tube that carries urine from kidney to bladder
Urethra? Urethra: single canal that carries urine to the outside of the body
Urethral meatus? opening in the urethra that is on the outside of the body
Urea? Waste formed in Liver, filtered out of blood by kidneys, and excreted in Urine
Urine? Fluid produced by kidneys, contains water and waste products
Creatinine? Waste product of Muscle Metabolism, filtered out by kidneys, excreted in urine
-pexy is suffix meaning? -pexy: surgical fixation/suspension
The Outter part of the kidney ? Cortex is Outter portion of kidney
Inner part of kidney? Medulla is Inner part of kidney (pyramid/middle shape) It is the inner part/section where urine is formed in tubules, which is where the collecting ducts are also located
Plural forms for Calix (aka: Calyx)? Calices (aka: calyces, calyces) is plural for Calix, or calyx
The system of ducts where urine collects from nephrons after exiting renal medulla? Minor Calix, then Major Calix, then Renal pelvis, then Ureter is how urine flows out of kidney
albuminuria ? Presencs of Protein in the Urine (aka: proteinuria)
Bacteriuria ? Presence of Bacteria in Urine
Dysuria ? Painful Urination (dysuria does not mean difficult, it means painful!)
Anuria ? Anuria: absence of Urine Formation
Enuria? Enuria: Involuntary d/c of urine, usually lack of bladder control
Nocturnal Enuresis Nocturnal Enuresis: Bed-Wetting during sleep
glucosuria, glycosuria ? Glucose in the urine
hematuria ? Blood in urine
SUI ? stress urinary incontinence
ketonuria? presence of ketone bodies in the urine
nocturia? Nocturia: Urination at night
nocturnal enuresis? Nocturnal Enuresis: Bed-Wetting while asleep
oliguria? Oliguria: Scanty production of urine
polyuria? Polyuria: Excessive Urination
Pyuria? White Cells in Urine (indicating infection = pus)
Urinary Retention? Urinary Retention: Inability to Void (Urinate) *usually b/c obstruction or spasm
APKD ? APKD: Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (Inherited condition of Multiple cysts in Kidney, common in pts w/HTN, causes tissue distruction & kidney enlargement & freq UTIs, leads to renal failure
glomerulo/nephritis ? form of nephritis involving the glomerulus
hydro/nephrosis ? Condition of Pooling of Urine in dilated areas of renal pelvis & calices of one/both kidneys caused by obstruction
nephritis? inflammation of kidney
pyelo/nephr/itis ? inflammation of renal pelvis
pyel/o? Pyel/o actually refers only to a "Pelvis", so pyelo/nephro.. is actually the renal pelvis
nephrosis ? degenerative dz of renal tubules
Nephro/lithi/asis ? presence of renal stone(s)
-osis ? -osis: Condition or Increase of...
-asis ? -asis: Formation or Presence of...
-poiesis ? -poiesis: Formation of...
-ism, -ia ? -ism: Condition of...
-ium ? -ium: Structure or Tissue...
-ac, al, ar, ary, eal, ous, ic, tic ? Pertaining to...
-penia ? -penia: abnormal reduction...
-algia, -dynia ? -algia, -dynia: Pain
dys- Dys-: Difficult... (also can mean painful or faulty)
-iasis ? -iasis: Formation or Presence of...
-ectasis ? -ectasis: expansion or dilation of...
-ptosis ? -ptosis: Falling, or Downward Displacement...
-desis ? -desis: surgical binding of...
-pexy ? -pexy: surgical fixation/suspension
-rrhaphy ? -rrhaphy: Suture
-ectomy ? -ectomy: excision (removal)
-centesis ? -centesis: puncture for asperation
-plasty ? -plasty: surgical repair/reconstruction
-tomy ? -tomy: incision
-stomy ? -stomy: creation of an opening
a-, an- ? a-, an- : without
ecto-, exo-, extra- ? ecto, exo, extra- : Outside
en-, endo-, intra- ? en, endo, intra- : Within
e-, ec-, ex- ? e-, ec-, ex- : Out or Away
con-, syn-, sym- ? con, syn, sym- : Together or With...
de- ? de- : from, down, not...
para- ? para- : alongside of, or abnormal
inter- ? inter- : between
epi- ? epi-: upon
infra- ? infra, sub-: below or under
dia- ? dia, trans- : across or through
meso- ? meso-: middle
peri- ? peri-, circum-: around
oligo- ? oligo-: few or deficient...
dys- ? dys-: painful, difficult, or faulty
cyst/itis ? inflammation of the bladder
Urethr/itis ? Inflammation of the Urethra
Urethro/cyst/itis ? inflammation of the Urethra and bladder
urethral stenosis narrowed condition of the urethra
UTI ? UTI: Urinary Tract Infection
Uremia, or Azotemia ? Excess Urea and Nitrogenous waste in blood, caused by kidney failure
cysto/scopy ? examination of bladder using cystoscope
IVP ? IVP: Intravenous Pyelogram (Urinary Tract X-Ray w/Iodine injected by IV)
IVU ? IVU: Intravenous Urogram (same as IVP) X-Ray image of uriary tract after iodine injected into bloodstream by IV
KUB ? KUB: Kidney/Ureters/Bladder (abdominal X-Ray scout film, typically used before IVP)
Renal Angiogram ? X-ray image of renal artery after contrast medium into artery (aka: renal arteriogram)
RP ? RP: Retrograde Pyelogram (aka: retrograde urogram) X-ray of bladder, ureters, and renal pelvis (after injection of contrast medium thru sm. catheter passed thru cystoscope
VCU or VCUG ? Voiding Cysto/Ur/ethro/gram
UA ? Urinalysis
SpGr ? Specific Gravity (SpGr) determines concentration/dilution of urine
alb ? alb: albumin (protein)
urobilinogen ? chem test to detect bile pigment in urine (denotes Liver or Gallbladder dz)
nitrite ? chem tests for nitrites in urine determine presence of bacteria
C&S ? Culture & Sensitivity (test organism drug tx's...)
BUN ? BUN: blood, uria, nitrogen tests for level of Urea in blood, indicates if kidney(s) are excreting uria
creatinine, serum ? tests creatinine in blood
creatinine, urine ? tests creatinine in urine
creatinine clearance testing ? measures creatinine "cleared" from blood over 24 hours (voided in urine specimen and compared to amount taken in)
Resecto/scope ? resectoscope: endoscope used to resect (cut & remove) lesions of bladder, urethra, prostate (inserted through urethra)
Intra/corporeal Litho/tripsy Intracorporeal Lithotripsy: endoscopic bladder/urinary tract stone pulverization by electrical energy
Nephro/tomy ? nephro/tomy: Incision into the kidney
Nephro/rrhaphy ? Nephrorrhaphy: Suture of injured kidney
Nephro/litho/tomy ? Nephrolithotomy: Incision into kidney for removal of stone(s)
Nephr/ectomy ? Nephrectomy: removal/excison of kidney
Pyelo/plasty ? Pyelopasty: surgical reconstruction of (renal) pelvis
Urinary Diversion ? Diversion of urinary tract to provide new passage for urine (used to tx defects/dzs such as bladder cancer)
Noncontinent ileal conduit ? removal/use of a section of the ileum (no longer part of intestines) as a conduit for ureter attachment on one end, and other end of ileum tubing is attached thru abdomen (stoma), for external appliance (bag) attachment (Urostomy), Continuously draining
Urostomy ? Urostomy: ileal conduit stomy creation for urination purposes
Continent Urostomy Internal Reservoir constructed from intestine that diverts urine through stoma that is brought thru abdominal wall with a valve created internally to prevent leakage. Pt empties pouch by catheterization, Continent means it hold/retains the urine
Ortho/topic Bladder ? Orthotopic Bladder: Bladder constructed from portions of intestine connected to the urethra, allowing "natural" voiding
Neobladder ? Neobladder is same as Orthotopic Bladder
ESWL ? ESWL: Extracorpreal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (Ultrasound used outside body to bombard and disintegrate a stone w/in, most commonly used to tx urinary stones above the bladder.
kidney dialysis, hemodialysis ? filtering blood impurities out of blood when kidneys are not functioning well...
peritoneal dialysis ? Peritoneal Dialysis: uses Peritoneum as filter, a catheter is inserted in the peritoneal cavity delivers ceansing fluid(dialysate) that is washed in and out in cycles.
Foley Catheter ? indwelling urethral catheter goes into bladder.
straight catheter ? Used to collect sterile urine specimen, or to relieve urinary retention, immediately removed after proceedure.
suprapubic catheter ? indwelling catheter inserted directly into the bladder thru abdominal incision above the pubic bone, for long term catheterization.
analgesic ? analgesic: drug to relieve pain
antispasmodic ? antispasmodic: drug relieves spasms
diuretic ? diuretic: drug that increases secretion of urine
Bx ? Biopsy
hpf ? hpf: high powered field
lpf ? lpf: Low powered field
Created by: HCTA
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