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review questions for volcano test.

What is a volcano? A volcano is formed when lava pours out of a vent.
Why are some volcanoes explosives and others are not? The amount of dissolved gases in the magma as well as the composition of the magma that creates the volcano.
What are some thinkgs that all volcanoes have in common? All have magma chambers, at least one vent, can form from plate movement, can help us understand the interior of the earth….
What is the difference between magma and lava? Magma- molten rock below the surface of the earth, Lava- when magma reaches the earth’s surface
How is the magma that forms an explosive volcano different from the magma of a nonexplosive volcano? Magma with high water and silica content are the most explosive volcanoes.
Name and describe the four types of lava. As- jagged, brittle, thick flows/ Pahoehoe- smooth flows/ Pillow- ball-shaped mounds of rock/ Blocky- bowling ball-sized chunks of rock that solidify close to the vent
What is viscosity? What determines the viscosity of magma or lava? The resistance of a material to flow. The composition determines the viscosity. If the magma is high in silica it will be viscous, if low in silica it will have a low viscosity like water.
What are pyroclastics? Name some types. Hot ash and rock fragments thrown from a volcano. Dust, ash, lapilli, bombs, blocks…..
How can volcanoes cause climate change? Enormous amounts of dust and ash can block sunlight and reduce global temperatures.
Name three types and describe them. Give examples. Shield- gentle slope, gentle eruptions, largest, Mauna Kea, / Cinder- steep sided, explosive, smallest, Pericutin, / Composite- steep sides, alternate between quiet and explosive eruptions, Mt. St. Helens. Cinder cones and composite cause of high visc/gas
What type of volcano has violent eruptions? Why? Cinder and Composite because their lava has a high gas content and high viscosity.
What type of volcano has very steep slopes? Why? Cinder, rock material builds up near vent- no lava flows to spread out
What type of volcano is composed of alternating layers of cinder and lava flows? Composite or Stratovolcano
What type of volcano is largest in size? Why? Shield- low viscosity and lots of lava
Describe some other structures formed by volcanic activity. Caldera- very large depression formed when volcano erupts violently or when the sides collapse, Lava Plateau- high flat area formed by lava flows, Lava Dome- thought with composite cones, large knobby projection made from lava high in silica, low in gas.
What is the difference between a crater and a caldera? Crater is the small depression made when the lava filling the vent cools and contracts, much smaller than a caldera
Where and under what conditions does magma form? When the temperature is hot enough and the pressure decreases to let it flow.
Explain the difference between dormant and extinct volcanoes. A dormant volcano is one that will be active again, an extinct volcano is one that is unlikely to erupt again
What are some methods used to predict volcanic eruption? tiltmeter, ratio of SO2 to CO2, surface temperature increases
What are some benefits of volcanoes? Enrich the soil, add more land, teach us about the interior of the earth.
Why are volcanoes considered constructive and destructive? Create more land, destroy homes, plants, animals.
How are volcanoes formed at convergent boundaries? Divergent? Convergent- subduction causes plate to melt and that creates more magma/ Divergent- magma rises and pours out at rift valley causing seafloor spreading
Where are most of the world's volcanoes located? divergent boundaries
Where are most of the world's volcanoes located on land? convergent boundaries
What is the relationship between volcanoes, earthquakes, and plate boundaries? Most active earthquakes and volcanoes are located on plate boundaries and occur because of the movement of the plates.
Created by: devon.broglie
Popular Earth Science sets




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