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Early Humans

early humans kyle S.

Pre history Human history in the period before recorded events, known mainly through archaeological discoveries,study,research,ect:history of prehistoric humans.
oral tradition a community's cultural and historical traditions passed down by word of mouth or example from onegeneration to another without written instruction.
Neolithic the new stone age: pertaining to, or characteristic of the last phase of the stone age, marked by the domestication of animals, the developement of writing and the manufacture if pottery and textiles.
Forensics a systematic, scientific approach to investigate and analize physical evedience to solve a crime or answr scientific questions (ex. csi or bones tv shows) forensic anthropology is usually for the recovery and identificaton of skeletonized human remains.
Radio-carbon dating the determination of the age of objects of organic origin by measurement of the radioactivity of their carbon content.
Clovis of or pertaining to a paleo-indian culture tradiotion of north america, esp, the american south west dated 100000-9000 bc and characterized by a usually benifical fluted stone projectile point (clovis point) used in big game hunting.
Genitic drift random changes in the frequency of the alleles in a gene pool, usually of small populations.
forensic archaeology is the application of a combination of archiological techniques and forensic science, typically in law inforcement.
archaeologist the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments and other such remains, esp. those that have been excavated
smithsonian institution an institution in washingtond founded 1846with a grant left by james smithson,for the increase amd diffusions of knowledge: U.S. national museum and repository.
N.A.G.P.R.A native american graves perservation & repatriation act; law that requires that all ancient skeletons and gravesites in the united states be considered sacred native american remains and turned over to selected tribes for reburial
caucation anthropology. of,pertaining to,or characteristics of one of the traditon racial divisionsof humankind,marked by fair to dark skin,straight to tightly curled hair,and light to very dark eyes,and originally inhabiting Europe,parts of north
bering land bridge land connecting alaska (N. america) and siberia (asia) that was exposed during the last ice age when sea levels were much lower due to massive continental glaciers
glacier a huge, snow moving mass of ice and snow that retain vast amount of water, and slowly gring and shape the land surface beneath. the north american glacier is believed to have been over 2 miles thick and extended out to the continental shelf
ice age there have been 11 ice ages in earths 4.6 billionb history. the last ice age (pleistocene) ended aroun 11,00 years ago. all the continents were mostly covered by extensive glaciers and which cause dramatic lowering of sea levels and exposing more land.
australopithecus meaning " southern ape" this early hominid discovered in south africa combined walked upright and combined features of both apes and man. ( known as "Lucy, 3'6" tall with hands and feet with more ape-like features- 3 million years old)
ardipithecus ramidus discovered in ethiopia,east africa,("ardi") was small brianed and shows an unexpexted mix of advanced characteristics and of primited traits seen in much older apes that were unliked chimped or groillas. she walked upright on the ground 4.4 million years
denisovan hominids discovered in siberia who lived about 40,000 years ago and based on DNA tests,appear to have interbred with modern humans (cro-magnon)
homo latin for the genus (family) of man.
homo erectus meaning "upright man"; also knownas java man, discovered on indonesian island of java in 1890. lived from 1.8 million - 200,000 years ago; considered the first "really big nominid" and featured a much larger brian and unlikely the first hominid
homo habilis meaning "handy man", so named by louis leakey because of the stone tools found near the skeletal remians. (1.9 million-1.5 million years ago)
b.c before crist
b.c.e. before the common era; used in place of b.c.
a.d. anno dominum ( latin for "in the year of our lord";in the western gregorian calender, those dates after the birth of christ
c.e common era; used in place of BC
decade a period of 10 years
century a period of 100 years
millenium a period of 1,000 years
era a historical period distinguished by certain important or significant happenings (ex:the modern era)
louis leakey british archeologist who discovered homo habilis in east africa.
morphology physical characteristics or traits of the human skull, such as height, withd of cheek bones, shape of eye sockets, cin shape , ect
palelithic meaning old stone age; used of stone as tools, rather than the new stone age where man purposley made tools from stone
kennewick man name given to the skeleton remians of a prehistoric man found along the columbia river in 1996. bones were carbon dated to 9,000 years old.
flint type of mineral that could be fashioned into spear points (see clovis), arrow heads and knives, commonly used by neolithic hunters-gatherers, through a process called flint knappindcould also be use to start a fire by creating sparks.
hunter gatherers early nomadic humans who migrated following thier food supply (animal herds,fish,fruits,berries,nuts,roots, etc.)
obsidian shiny black sendimenenary rock also used to make weapons and cutting tools by neolithic hunter-gatherers.
history the branch of knowledge dealing with past events
migrations the process or act of migrating movement by humans, animals, birds, ect. for the purpose of following the food supply, seasonal migrations to nesting/spawning areas ect
nomads a people or tride that has no permanent home but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a tradition route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.
demesdicate to convert (animals, plants, ect.) to demesticate uses; tame.
fertle bearing products or capable of producing vegetation crops ect abundantly prolific fertile soil
atlatl spear or draft thrower made from wood or bone that acts as an extension of the human arm allowing the projectile to be thrown with more force
neanderthal fossils of early humans found in neanderthal germany who lived in western europe western aisa and the near east from 200,000 years ago until they disappeared around 300,000 years ago
homo sapiens sapiens meaning wise man or the first modern humans. the first anatomically modern humans emerged around 100,000 years ago as part of the second migration out of east africa
hominid walks up right on two legs, not on all fours
Created by: guitar77
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