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Psychology Unit Four

Situations where confabulation of memory is likely* When you heard about the imagined event many times. The memory contains many details that make it seem real. The event is easy to remember.
Factors that influence our ability to read the facial expressions of others Facial expressions vary in meanings in different cultures.
How memory being a reconstructive process can affect it* It helps up to make room for more memories. The nature of this helps us remember so much and understand what we remember.
How damage to areas of the brain involved in processing emotion can affect us It affects our ability to think, form memories, and use language. It also affects our ability to express, recognize, and feel different emotions.
Attachment theory of love Secure- Unlikely to get jealous. Unlikely to worry. Compassionate. And forgiveness. Anxious-Worry a partner to leave. “Clingy” Resistant- Avoid intimate relationship. Uncomfortable being close to another
Triangular theory of love* Intimacy-Allows individuals to become close by secrets. Passion-Allows to feel intense emotion toward another. Commitment-Expectation that relationships will be long lasting.
Types of memory stored in long-term memory Procedural Declarative Semantic Episodic
Proximity and similarity and how they relate to choosing a romantic partner Similarity-Attitudes and values. Beliefs & personality. Proximity-Typically choose romantic partner from pool of people who are close to us
Set point for weight Small range of weight we typically hover around when we are not trying to gain or lose weight. Basal metabolism rate-rate at which our bodies typically burn calories for energy. Fat cells-cells that store fat for energy
Motivation to love and findings from brain scan studies Passionate Love-Characterized by intense emotions and sexual passion Companionate love-Characterized by affection and trust. Significant others activate different areas of the brain than friends. Same areas are activated when seeing a photo of parent.
Mirror neurons They help understand other emotions& empathize.
Mood contagion When facial expressions of emotion influence the emotions of those around us.
Facial feedback When we feel something and make a facial expression, the brain receives feedback as to what our facial muscles are doing (smiling but not smiling)
Hormones involved in stress Epinephrine Norepinephrine
Hormones involved in love Oxytocin-Formation of attachments. It is controlled by the hypothamuls and is secreted by pituitary gland. Affection between infants and caregivers.
Motivation Internal processes that cause movement toward or away from something
Implicit and explicit memory Implicit-Unconscious memory for procedures, skills, past experiences, etc. Explicit-Memory or events or items of information.
Procedural memory They cannot be explained verbally, only through the performance of skills or activities
Types of memory strategies Rehearsal-Rehearsing (Maintenance-Rote Repetition & Elaborative- Analyzing information in associate it with memories) Deep processing-Processing for meaning instead of physical feature. Mnemonics-Strategies to improve memory such as making analogies.
Potential reasons we forget* Decay theory-Memories can fade over time if not used Replacement Theory-Old info is replaced by new info Interference Theory-Proactive and retroactive
Proactive and retroactive Interference-Retroactive-Forgetting recently learned info interferes with similar info already known Proactive-Forgetting when previously stored info interferes with similar info learned recently
Genetic basis of obesity Leptin-Protein involved in assessing fat reserves in body. Hypothalamus-Brain area involved in appetite control.
Environmental influences on obesity Cultural influences. Foods we eat serving size, and exercise.
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation-Pursuit of a goal or activity for external rewards such as money or fame Intrinsic motivation-Pursuit of goal or activity for its own sake
Areas of the brain involved in processing emotions Right hemisphere feeling emotions. Left hemisphere-Processes meaning of emotions. Amygdale-Evaluates sensory information in regards to its emotional importance. Prefrontal cortex-to approach or retreat from a person or situation.
Information-processing model of memory Information not attended to will not move through all three memory systems
Three-box model of memory Sensory register-Information from senses take here directly and stored for a brief period. Working memory-Information worked on, mental strategies decide what is important to retain. Long term memory-Permanent knowledge is stored in an individual’s mind
Two types of love Passionate Love-Characterized by intense emotions and sexual passion Companionate love-Characterized by affection and trust.
Priming and relearning and implicit memory Priming-Giving a list of words, more likely to recall words from the list. Relearning-Compares the time required to relearn material with the time used in the initial learning of the material Implicit-unconscious memory for procedures, skills
Eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa-an individual starves self-due to compulsive fear of being overweight. Bulimia-Individuals place self on strict diets and exercise excessively.
Source misattribution When an individual is incorrect regarding the true source of information. Primary emotions
Primary emotions Emotions we are born with. Fear. Anger. Joy. Sadness. Surprise. Disgust, Contempt.
Neurological difference between long-term and short-term memory* Long-term-Changes neurons permanently, the response of neurons increases or decreases. Short-term-Alters neurons ability to release neurotransmitters temporarily.
Oxytocin* Formation of attachments. Controlled by hypothalamus. It is released during birth.
Created by: Priyanka_sharma
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