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steady state homeostasis
negative feedback loop reverse
positive feedback loop enhances
the left side of the illness/wellness continuum represents pre-mature death
the right side of illness/wellness continum represents high level wellness
the wellness side of the continuum incorporate awarness education growth
conditions that disrupt homeostasis are age, genetics, physical/checmical agents, malnutrition, degeneration, pathogens, etc
neurologic disruptions include nerve impingement nerve entrapment
impingement is nerve disrupted by structure or bone
entrapment is nerve disrupted by muscle or soft tissue
mechanical disruption can include compression tension torsion
energy flow disruption occur when energy stagnates (no energy flow)
what risk factors can be controlled lifestyle stress
what are biologic rhythms heart rate, RR, digestion, CST, etc
what are circadian rhythms 24 hour clock, control internal functions, sleep
what are ultradian rhythms every 90 mins
seasonal rhythms occur yearly
the central nervous system include brain spinal cord
the peripheral nervous system includes crainal nerves spinal nerves
what are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system sympathetic para-sympathic
what is stress dis-equalibrium stain tension
who developed the general adaption syndrome hans selye
what hormones are most associated with the stress response epinephine and cortisol
dermatome qutanisis sensation for spinal nerve sensation
referral pain pattern trigger points
visceral referral patten shin sensation from orgin in trouble
strain muscle tendon
sprain ligement tension injury
postural imbalance structure is out of alignment
histamines brings blood flow to area
protaglandins increase pain
cytokines sends message of fever, pain, etc
pyrexia is known as fever
ischemia no blood flow
hypoxia decrease oxygen to tissue
OTC over the counter available without prescription
pharmacokinetics study of drug movement of the drug through the body
pharmacodynamics study of drug actions on the cells of the body
three stages of general adaption syndrome alarm reaction resistance reaction exhaustion reaction
what is considered a stressor anything that stimulates for more stress
the goals of inflammation are dispose of pathogens prevents the spread of pathogens begins tissue healing
redness and heat occur due to increase blood flow
swelling and pain occur due to swelling-increase blood flow pain-to much fluid
what factors promote tissue healing age, nutrition, hydration, blood flow, no infection, mobile
what factors can a MT influence blood flow
how long should a MT wait before working on an area of tissue repair 30-45 days
adhesion joined things that should not be joined (two things)
what complications can occur as a result of scar formation or adhesion decrease ROM muscle spasm adhesion obstructions
hypertonicity increase tone in muscle
retention of metabolites waste products
involuntary splinting holding
psychological manifestations depression, anxiety, etc
what methods can affect pain enforims, seration, acupuncture, counter irration
what is the placebo effect attitude, confidence, environment
what is entrainment to drag with
what factors must be present for state dependent memory to occur sounds, movement, touch, smells
how can a MT work with state dependent memory be present
soft tissue problems associated with mechanical disruption include muscle strains, ligament sprains, fibrosis and adhesions, degenerative dysfunctions
stage one fight or flight
stage one primary endocrine gland is adrenal medula
stage one primary hormone is epinephrine
stage two is known as resistance stage
stage two primary endocrine gland is adrenal cortex
stage two primary hormone is cortisol
stage three is known as exhaustion
stage three primary endocrine gland is adrenal glands
stage three primary hormone is cortisol
what hormones are most associated with stress response epinephrine and cortisol
what is tissue replacement other cells are replaced
replacement creates scar tissue
what is tissue regeneration create the same cells
Created by: marlenasokana
Popular Medical sets




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