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socials 11

chapter 11

demography study of population numbers
immigration rate number of new arrivals in a country
census the process of collecting and publishing demographic economic and social data
emigration rate the number of people leaving a country
developed country highly developed economy and infrastructure
developing country less sophisticated economy and lower standard of living
birth rate the number of births per year
death rate the number of deaths per year
natural increase (NI) the rate at which a population expands
exponential rate rapid rate of population
rule of 70 70/growth rate
doubling time number of years it takes a country to double its population
net migration the difference between the number of people immigrating to a country and the number of people emigrating
industrialization overall change in a society from farm production and craftsmanship to mechanized manufacturing
urbanization the move of people from farms to cities where jobs are available
migrant a person who moves from one region to another
life expectancy average number of years an individual is expected to live
mortality deaths in population
family planning concept of limiting the size of families
rhythm method method of birth control in witch a couple dose not have intercourse during the time when the woman is likely to ovulate
sterilization a procedure by which a persons ability to reproduce is destroyed
vasectomy male sterilization
coercion the use of force
contraception birth control
total fertility rate the average number of children born over the lifetime of a typical woman in particular country
infanticide the act of killing an infant
gender selection the choice of whether to keep a fetus based on its gender
population growth rate the rate at which a country's population increases
Created by: finlay177
Popular Geography sets




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