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348-365 vocab words

Persuasive Techniques Vocabulary Words

Over Generalization A broad conclusion using all or nothing words.
Circular Reasoning Reasons that say the same thing over and over again using different words
False Cause The assumption that one event caused another when the events actually happened earlier in time
Commercial Advertisement Is intended to generate sales for a particular service or product
Propaganda Is the attempt to convince audience or society ideas without considering other viewpoints
Propaganda Techniques Techniques such as bandwagon, stereo type, name calling soub appeal, endorsement which have propaganda
Hasty Generalization A conclusion drawn from too little evidence
Persuasive Something that aims to bring about a change in people's attitude or behavior
Persuasive techniques A logical and/or emotional appeal to convince an audience
Logical appeals Present facts and evidence to support a claim, or a message
Claim Position on an issue or problem that is supported by reasons and evidence
Emotional Appeal A persuasive technique that stirs the feelings of the audience
Loaded Language words with either positive or negative connotations, or suggested meanings
Public Service Announcement A noncommercial media or print advertisment that seeks to inform the public about a social issue, such as safety, health, or education
Logic The correct reasoning backed by solid reasons and evidence
Faulty Reasoning Flawed thinking
Logical Fallacies Incorrect ways of reasoning
Commercial Advertisement Intended to generate sales for a particular service or product
Bandwagon Appeal Takes advantage of people's desire to be part of a group or to be popular
Stereotype Presents a narrow, fixed idea about all the members of a certain group
Name-Calling The use of loaded words to create negative feelings about a person, group, or thing
Snob Appeal Sends the message that something is valuable because only "special" people appreciate it
Endoresement A recommendation made by soemone who is well known but not neessarily an authority
Created by: Protima
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