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Ital dizionarietto

a noleggio for rent
accadere to happen
accogliente welcoming
acquisto purchase
acre harsh
allestito prepared
amaro bitter
americaneggiante american style
americanizzato/a americanized
appropriarsi to appropriate
assenza absense
avanguardia forefront
avvenimento event
bagnato fradicio soaked, drenched
bancarella stand (at a market)
battersi to fight
caffe coffee
caffe corretto coffee with liqueur
caffe macchiato coffee with a dash of milk
caffe ristretto strong coffee
caffeina caffeine
caldo bestiale unbearable heat
cambiamento change
campo field
capace able
celebre famous
chiaro e tondo crystal clear
colpire to strike, to hit
colonna sonora soundtrack
consumismo consumerism
contraddistinguere to mark, to distinguish
corsia lane
da asporto / da portare via take-out
dai! come on!
dolcetto o scherzetto trick or treat
doppiaggio movie dubbing
doppiatore / doppiattrice dubber
dubbio doubt
efficace effective
emozionante exciting / moving
enfatizzare to emphasis
essere a disagio to be uncomfortable
essere a posto to be fine, to be in order
essere a proprio agio to be at ease
fare concorrenza a to compete with (in business)
freccia turn signal
godere to enjoy
guastarsi to break (down)
gusto flavor
impedire to prevent
influsso influence
innamorato cotto madly in love
interprete interpreter
italianizzato/a italianized
lattina can
legame tie, connection
locale shop, club
mal di schiena backache
malinconico melancholy
mandare in onda to go on the air
minacciare to threaten
miscela mixture
misero miserable
morto stecchito stone dead
occupato busy
paninoteca / panineria sandwich shop
paragonare to compare
pazzo da legare totally crazy
pieno zeppo jam-packed
pizza al taglio pizza slices
porre to place, to set
povero in canna dirt poor
premio award
proporre to propose
pubblicita publicity, advertisment
purtroppo unfortunately
ravvicinare to bring closer
ricco sfondato filthy rich
rovinare to ruin
saggio essay
scambia culturale cultural exchange
scenografo set designer
scherzosamente jokingly
sentirsi a disagio to be uncomfortable
sentirsi a proprio to be at ease
sfiorare to get close to (with temperature)
sfruttare to make use of
soffio breath, whiff
sottotitoli subtitles
stampare to print
stanco morto dead tired
stereotipo stereotype
straniero/a foreign
straniero foreigner
stregato bewitched
superare to pass
testardo stubborn
tenersi to keep, to hold
tracce suggestions
trama plot
ubriaco fradicio dead drunk
volerci to take time (impersonal construction)
Created by: 1643825947
Popular Italian sets




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