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GRE Flashcards Vocab

Abase To humiliate; To humble; To lower
Abate To lessen; To decrease
Aberration Abnormality; Deviation
Abet To aid; To encourage
Abeyance A Temporary Postponement
Abject Miserable; Wretched
Abjure To give up (rights)
Ablution A washing; A cleansing
Abnegate To deny; To reject
Aborigine Original inhabitant
Aboveboard Honest; Frank; Open
Abrade To wear away
Abridge To shorten
Abrogate To abolish; To repeal
Abscond To leave secretly; To flee
Abstemious Moderate or sparing in eating and drinking
Abstruse Hard to understand
Abut (Two meanings) As summary (noun); To remove (verb)
Accede To agree to
Acclivity Upward slope
Accoutrement Equipment; Outfit
Accretion An increase; An addition
Acerbic Sharp or bitter in smell or taste; Sharpness of temper of words
Acme Highest point; Peak
Acrid Bitter to the taste or smell; Sarcastic
Acrimonious Harsh in speech or behavior
Actuate To put into motion or action
Acumen Mental keenness; Shrewdness
Addendum Something added as a supplement
Adduce To give an example in proving something
Adherent (Two meanings) Sticking fast (Adjective); A follower or a supporter (Noun)
Adipose Fatty
Adjudicate To judge
Adjunct A subordinate; An assistant
Ado Fuss; Trouble
Adroit Skillful; Clever
Adulation Excessive Praise or Flattery
Adventitious Accidental; Nonessential
Aegis A shield; Protection; Sponsorship
Affable Friendly; Agreeable
Aggrandize To enlarge or to expand
Aggregate To collect; To gather together
Agoraphobia Fear of open places
Ague A fever; Plague
Alacrity Liveliness; Willingness
Albatross (Two meanings) A seabird; A constant burden
Alien Strange; Foreign
Alimentary Furnishing food or nourishment
Allocate To set aside for a specific purpose
Alluvial Pertaining to a deposit of sand formed by flowing water
Altruism Unselfishness; Concern for others
Amalgamate To combine; To unite; To blend
Ambient Surrounding; On all sides
Ambivalence Conflicting feelings toward something or someone
Ambrosial Pleasing to the taste or smell
Ambulatory Moving about; Capable of Walking
Ambuscade Hidden or secret attack
Ameliorate To improve; To make better
Amiss Wrong; Faulty; Improper
Amoral Lacking a sense of right and wrong
Amorphous Shapeless
Anachronism Something out of place or time
Analgesic Drug that relieves pain
Anathema A curse; A person or thing to be avoided
Ancillary Helping; Subordinate
Anent Regarding; Concerning
Anhydrous Without Water
Animadversion Criticism; Comment that opposes
Animus Hostile feeling
Annals Historical records
Anneal To heat and then cool; To toughen
Anomalous Abnormal; Inconsistent
Anon Soon
Anoxia Lack of oxygen
Antecedent That which goes before something else
Antediluvian Very old-fashioned; Primitive
Anterior Located in front or forward
Anteroom A lobby or waiting room
Anthropoid Resembling man
Anthropomorphic Attributing human form to objects, gods, etc.
Antipodes Opposite sides (of the earth)
Aperture An opening; A gap
Apex The highest point; Summit
Aphasia Loss of the ability to speak
Aphorism Brief saying; Proverb
Apiary Place where bees are kept
Apocryphal Doubtful; Not authentic
Apogee Farthest point away from the earth
Apoplexy Sudden loss of consciousness; Paralysis
Apostate One who gives up his beliefs
Apothegm Brief instructive saying
Apotheosis Glorification of a person to the rank of God
Appall To frighten; To cause loss of courage
Appease To soothe; To satisfy
Appellation A name
Apposite Appropriate
Apprehend (Two meanings) To seize; To understand
Apprise To inform
Approbation Approval
Appurtenance Something added to another more important thing
Aquiline Like an eagle; Curved or hooked
Arable Good for farming
Arbiter A judge; An umpire
Arbitrary Partial; Biased
Arcane Mysterious
Archipelago Group of Islands
Ardent Intensely Enthusiastic
Arduous Difficult; Strenuous
Aria A solo in an opera
Arraign To accuse
Arrant Notorious; Downright
Array An orderly arrangement
Arrears (preceded by in) In debt
Arroyo A deep ditch caused by running water
Artful Cunning; Tricky; Crafty
Ascribe To attribute; To credit as a cause or source
Askance (preceded by to look) Sidewise; Suspiciously
Asperity Harshness; Roughness
Aspersion A damaging remark
Assail To attack; To assault
Assay To test; To try
Assiduity Diligence; Care
Assuage To calm; To make less severe
Astral Pertaining to the stars
Astringent Substance that contracts blood vessels or shrinks tissues
Atavistic Going back to behavior found in a remote ancestor
Attenuated Decreased; Weakened
Attrition A wearing down or away; A decline
Au courant Up-to-date; Fully informed
Augment To increase; To make greater
Augur To predict
August Majestic; Worthy of respect; Impressive
Auroral Rosy; Pertaining to the dawn
Auspices Approval; Support
Auspicious Favorable
Austere Severe; Stern; Self-disciplined
Autumnal Mature; Declining
Auxiliary Giving assistance; Subordinate
Avarice Greed
Aver To declare; To state firmly
Avert To prevent; To turn away
Avocation A hobby; Not one's regular work
Avoirdupois Heaviness; Weight
Avuncular Like an uncle
Bacchanalian Wild with drunkenness
Badinage Playful, teasing talk
Bagatelle Thing of little value; trifle
Baleful Harmful; menacing; pernicious
Balmy (Two meanings) Mild and refreshing; mentally unstable (slang)
Banal Common; ordinary; trite
Bandy To exchange (as words)
Bane Cause of ruin, harm or distress
Bark A boat or sailing vessel
Baroque Overdecorated; showy
Barrage Heavy attack
Barrister Lawyer (British)
Bastion A strong defense; a fort
Bauble Showy but useless thing; trinket
Bawdy Indecent; humorously obscene
Bedlam (two meanings) A madhouse; a noisy uproar
Beleaguer To encircle (with an army); to annoy
Belligerent Warlike; quarrelsome
Bereave To leave in a sad or lonely state; to deprive by force
Berserk Frenzied; violently destructive
Beset To attack
Besiege To overwhelm; to close in on
Besmirch To make dirty
Bestride To mount (a horse)
Bevy A large group
Bibulous Absorbent; fond of alcoholic beverage
Bilious Bad-tempered; cross
Bilk To cheat; to swindle
Binge A spree; wild party
Bivouac Temporary shelter
Blandishment Flattery
Blasé Bored with life; unexcited; indifferent
Blatant Annoyingly conspicuous; offensively noisy and loud
Blazon To display; to proclaim
Blithe Carefree; lighthearted
Bludgeon A short, heavy club (noun); to bully or coerce (verb)
Bluster To speak noisily; to boast
Bog (two meanings) a swamp (noun); to sink or become stuck in (verb)
Bombastic Using impressive but meaningless language
Bon mot Witty remark
Boor A rude or impolite person
Boreal Northern
Borne Carried; put up with
Bowdlerize To censor; to remove offensive passages of a play, novel, etc.
Bravado A show of courage; false bravery
Brigand A robber
Bristling Showing irritation
Bronchial Pertaining to the windpipe
Browbeat To bully; to intimidate
Bruit To spread the news
Brunt Shock, force, or impact, as of a blow
Brusque Abrupt in manner, blunt; rough
Bucolic Pertaining to the countryside; rural
Bugbear Something causing fear
Bulwark A strong defense
Bumptious Conceited; arrogant
Buoy (two meanings) a floating object (noun); to encourage (verb)
Buoyant (Two meanings) able to float; lighthearted and lively
Burgeon To flourish; To grow rapidly
Burlesque A speech or action that treats a serious subject with rididcule
Burnish To polish
Buttress Any prop or support
Created by: bandgeek_jamies
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