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OGT Vocab 2008

OGT Math Vocab preparation for 2008 Test

Vocabulary TermDefinition
Stem & Leaf Plot A frequency diagram which displays numerical data by using the first part of the number (the stem) to categorize the data and listing the remainder of the number(the leaf)with other data that has the same stem. Ex. 23,25,29 would be listed as 2 – 3,5,9
Box & Whisker Plot A diagram that shows how a set of data is distributed across a number line. The box shows where the middle 50% of the data is clustered and the whiskers show how close the maximum and minimum values are from this data.
Irrational Numbers that cannot be written as the ratio of two integers. The decimal form never ends and never repeats.
Rational Numbers that can be written as the ration of two inters. The decimal form either ends or has a repeating pattern.
Consecutive Describes two things that follow each other in order.
Mode The most frequent item in a set of data.
Range The difference between the maximum and minimum items in a set of data.
10-mile Radius An area that extends 10 miles in any direction from a fixed point
Quadruple To increase by 4 times
Experimental Probability The numerical chance of something occurring based on data gathered in an experiment. Ex. If you flip a coin 10 times, and get heads 7 times, then the experimental prob. of getting heads is 7/10 (not ½).
Deviation A measurable amount of error. The distance between an estimated value and the actual value.
Biased A viewpoint in which one particular opinion, trait, or group is over-represented, and hence lacks a balanced mixture of ideas.
Translated Image A replica of an object that is shifted (translated) in a certain direction from its original location.
Scatterplot A graph where various points are plotted. The coordinates of each point represent the measures of two attributes. The points are usually “scattered” in a way that shows a relationship between the two attributes that is positive, negative, or non-existen
Economical Describes a situation that provides the most services or goods for the lowest price; i.e. the best deal.
Installment Plan A method of payment in which payments are made on a periodic basis, such as monthly or annually.
Graphical Representation Displaying numerical data as a picture or graph.
Random Selection Taking a sample group of a population that represents a cross-section of the entire population. No one group is more heavily represented than another.
Probability The numerical chance of something occurring based on a mathematical formula.
Number Array Numbers that are displayed in rows and columns.
Sum The total amount – indicates addition
Mean The average value of a set of data – the sum of the data, divided by the number of data
Median The middle value of a set of data when the data is put in order from smallest to largest.
Dependent Upon Describes two attributes in which a change in one attribute affects the other.
Linear Relationship Describes two variables that depend on each other in a linear fashion. The values of the two variables maintain a constant ratio
Rate of Change A ratio such as distance over time or slope
Function A type of equation in which each input value yields one and only one output value.
Correlation A relationship between two sets of data (positive or negative)
Direct Variation ( or varies directly) When the values of two variables maintain a constant ratio; A.K.A a linear relationship.
Frequency Table A table that shows how often each item occurs in a set of data.
Histogram A bar chart that shows the frequency of items in a set of data.
Outlier A data point in a sample widely separated from a cluster of points in the sample.
Bivariate Data Data containing two sets of variables
Created by: furbayb
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