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PS Pearson

Chapters 17-22

Everything to the Left → Reactants
Everything to the Right → Product
aq: Aqueous (In Water)
Formula with → Cellular Respiration
Formula Backwards ← Photosynthesis
What is Combustion? That chemical reaction where you combine alkane (octane) with oxygen.
What do you generate in Combustion? Carbon Dioxide, Water & Energy
What Releases Energy? Exothermic
What Absorbs Energy? Endothermic
For a collision to lead to the formation of products what two things must happen? 1. The collision must occur in the correct Geometric Shape 2. The collision must occur with enough kinetic energy (called activation energy) to break bonds
Kinetic Energy Energy of motion
To increase the rate of a chemical reaction, you must increase Temperature, Concentration, Surface Area
To decrease the rate of a chemical reaction, you must decrease Temperature, Concentration, Surface Area
Catalyst Increase the rate of a reaction and is not consumed in the reaction
The ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature is a Solubility
The larger (typically water) Solvent
The smaller (item being dissolved) Solute
Soluble Solute dissolves
Insoluble Solute does not dissolve
3 conditions regarding solubility? Unsaturated, Saturated, Super Saturated
Unsaturated More solute can be dissolved
Saturated No more solute can be dissolved
Super Saturated More solute is dissolved tahn is allowed at that temperature
Solubility increases with increasing temperature for? Solids
Solubility increases with decreasing temperature for? Gases
For every 1 oxygen molecule you need how many water molecules to dissolve it? 200,000
Dipole-Induced Dipole H₂O and O₂ forcing a non polar molecule to become a temprorary polar molecule
Induced Dipole-Induced Dipole Made up of large molecules taht have polar bonds. (plastic wrap)
Dipole-Dipole H₂O and H₂O
Ion-Dipole NaCl and H₂O
Solubility depends not only on teh attraction between solute and solvent, but also on teh attraction between solute particles for each other, and solvent particles for each other.
When each substance retains its chemical identity? Mixture
Heterogeneous Non uniform mixture with definite boundaries
Can be separated by filtration Heterogeneous
Homogeneous Uniform mixture
Created by: djpashn07
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