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Unit 2?

Stuff from this Unit

Irony the contrast between what is stated and what is meant or between what is expected and what actually happens.
dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows something a character does not
situational irony occurs when a reader is surprised by an unexpected turn of events
verbal irony the speaker contradicts itself in what it is saying
forestall prevent by acting ahead of time
repression restraint
elusive hard to grasp
tumultuously in an agitated way
importunities persistent request or demands
situational irony (ex.) goes to her room, plops down in her chair, and looks out her window. expect scenery to be described as dark and gloomy.
verbal irony (ex) "it was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long" ;expect life to be long. (she dies later)
dramatic irony (ex) "there was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully."; expect something awful was about to happen in the future. she stated again and again that she was free.
appositive a noun or pronoun placed near another noun or pronoun to provide more information about it.
nonessential appositive an appositive that can be omitted from a sentence.
essential appositive has meaning in a sentence.
rhyme occurs in two or more words that have similar or identical vowel and final consonant sounds in their accented syllables
salient standing out from the rest
tempest violent storm
stark stiff or rigid, as a corpse
guile craftiness
myriad countless
interjection a word or phrase that expresses emotion in a sentence
apostrophe speaking to an inanimate object or dead person
tempest a violent storm that represents the animosity black people have
"Douglass" structure Italian Sonnet
octave presents a problem or asks a question
sestet answers the octave
true rhyme (ex) storm/form ;; bark/dark
slant rhyme (ex) know/ago ;; amaze/dispraise
end rhyme (ex) "lies and eyes" ;; "guile and smile"
internal rhyme (ex) "hides" and "eyes"
speaker voice of the poem
noun clause subordinate clauses (word groups with subjects and verbs that cannot stand alone as sentences)
repose the state of being at rest
degenerate morally corrupt
Western Gate may symbolize death or the process of dying
dawn in eastern skies symbolizes new life, a new beginning
imperially majestically
epitaph inscription on a tombstone
"Lucinda Matlock" and "Richard Bone" Edgar Lee Masters
"Luke Havergal" and "Richard Cory" Edwin Arlington Robinson
reverential showing or caused by a feeling on deep respect, love, and awe
tremulously fearfully; timidly
semi-somnambulant half-sleepwalking
inert motionless
prelude introductory section or movement of a suite, fugue, or work of music
jocularity joking good humor
italian sonnet 14 line poem that includes an octave and sestet
Created by: savvyvannah
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