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HAP Chapter 8

HA&P vocab

calat- something inserted
intercalted disk membranous band that connects cardiac muscle cells
erg- work
synergist muscle that works with a prime mover to produce a movement
hyper- over, more
muscular hypertrophy enlargement of muscle fibers
inter- between
laten- hidden
latent period time between application of a stimulus and the beginning of a muscle contraction
myo- muscle
myofibril contractile structure within a muscle cell
sarco- flesh
sarcoplasm material(cytoplasm) within a muscle fiber
syn- together
tetan- stiff
tetanic contraction sustained muscular contraction
-troph well fed
actin protein that, with myosin, contracts muscle fibers
antagonist muscle that opposes a prime mover
aponeurosis sheetlike tendon that attaches certain muscles to other parts
fascia sheet of fibrous connective tissue that encloses a muscle
insertion the end of a muscle attached to a movable part
motor neuron neuron that transmits impulses from central nervous systems to an effector
motor unit motor neuron and its associated muscle fibers
muscle impulse impulse that travels along sarcolemma and down transverse tubules
myosin protien that, with actin, contracts and relaxes muscle fibers
neurotransmitter chemical that axon end secretes to control another neuron or an effector
origin end of muscle that attaches to a immovable part
oxygen debt amount of oxygen required after physical exercise to convert accumulated lactic acid to glucose
prime mover muscle responsible for a particular body movement
recruitment increase in number of motor units activated as stimulation intensity increases
sarcomere structural and functional unit of a myofibril
threshold stimulus stimulation level that must be exceeded to elicit nerve impulse or muscle contraction
Created by: caitlynnham
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