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GRE words oct 11

Abasement humiliation; degradation
Abjure renounce; swear to refrain from something
Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal
Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure
Admonitory scolding
Antediluvian outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned
Aphoristic expressed tersely
Aplomb Self-confidence or assurance, esp. when in a demanding situation.
Artless without effort; without trickery; simple
Auspicious favorable; promising to turn out well
Beguile mislead; lure
Beleaguer besiege; attack
Bilk cheat; defraud
Boorish ill-mannered
Cadge get by begging
Callow immature
Capacious spacious
Celerity speed
Circumvent avoid
Deign condescend
Descry to see (esp. at a distance); catch sight of
Discursiveness long windedness; indirectness
Disquiet a feeling of worry or anxiety
Efface wipe out; remove all trace of
Effrontery daring; audacity (has a negative connotation)
Extol praise
Inerrancy infallibility; inability to make mistakes
Iniquitous evil; unjust
Inscrutable mysterious; impenetrable
Intemperate excessive; immoderate
Inveterate habitual
Languid tired; slow
Largess generosity
Latent hidden; real but undeveloped
Levity flippancy; joking about serious matters
Lugubrious sad; gloomy
Ostensible Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
Paragon a perfect example
Parry ward off; avoid
Pathos evoking sadness or pity
Penchant inclination; leaning; tendency; predilection
Peripatetic nomadic; moving from place to place
Picayune insignificant; of little value
Pillory punish by ridicule
Plaudit statement giving strong praise
Portend foretell
Portent a warning sign; omen
Portly large, dignified
Potable suitable for drinking
Precocious developing early
Presage forewarn of; indicate
Presentiment a feeling that something might happen
Proscribe forbid
Pugnacious aggressive, ready to fight
Purloin steal
Raze destroy
Repine fret; be discontented
Replete full
Reproof scolding; criticism
Resplendent shining; glowing
Scotch to prevent; stop; disable
Staid dull; sober; serious
Strident loud and harsh
Tawdry of little value; gaudy
Toady sycophant; flatterer
Torrid hot and steamy
Truant shirker; someone absent without permission
Turpitude depravity
Unctuous oily; using excessive flattery
Vapid dull; uninspiring
Vicissitude unexpected change in fortune or circumstances
Willful stubborn OR deliberate/intentional
Created by: gibsonsg75
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