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TKAM Vocab pfoote

4 vocab

Assuage( To lessen:soothe, ease
Brethren( Brother(plural)
Malevolent( showing ill will
Taciturn( silent
Entailment( an old-fashion way of handing down land
Sojourn( to stay as a temporary guest
Contemptuous( showing a lack of respect or concern
Diminutive( extremely small
Fractious( full of anger and discontent
Onslaught( violent attack
Auspicious( promising success:favorable
Melancholy( depressed in spirits:sad
Benign( Of a mild type or character
Edification( instruction to improve moral and religious knowledge
Inquisitive( tending to investigate : curious
Morbid( characterized by gloomy ideas or feelings
Placidly( peacefully, calmly
Tacit( quiet
Malignant( evil in influence or feeling : injourious
Prowess( very great ability
Perpetual( continuing forever
Cleave( to cling to a person or thing closely
Palate( sense of taste
Aberrations( the act of differing from a normal state
Adjacent( lying next to or near
Unfathomable( impossible to understand
Procure( to get possession of
Plait( to make by braiding
Gastric( relating to the stomach
Compensation( the act of making equal return to
Ingenuous( showing childlike simplicity and straightfowardness
Analogous( showing resemblance in some details between things otherwise unlike
Wary( very catious
Provocation( something that provokes
Indicative( pointing out something
Gravitate( to move toward something
Fanatical( overly enthusiastic or devoted
Attire( clothing
Deportment( manner of conducting oneself
Isolate( to keep apart from others
Constitute( to appoint to an office
Mortify( to embarrass greatly
Tentatively( not fully developed
Obstreperous( noisy and hard to control
Invective( harsh or insulting words
Bout( a spell of activity
Feeble( lacking in strengh
Peril( the state of being in danger of injury or distruction
Rudiments( a basic principle or skill
Arbor( a shelter or structure of vines or branches
Degradation( loss of honor or reputation
Livid( discolored by bruising
Passe( out-of-date
Umbrage( resentment
Austere( stern and unfriendly in appearance and manner
Myopic( nearsighted
Prerogative( a special right or privilage
Sluggish( slow in movement
Infallible( not capable of being wrong
Taut( tight
Affliction( something that cause pain or unhappiness
Ecclesiastical( relating to a church
Facade( in the face of a building : a false appearance
Ominous( showing a sign of evil or misfortune to come
Venerable(adj deserving honor or respect
Dispel(v to drive away by scattering
Formidable(adj causing fear
Profane(adj, v not concerned with religion, to treat with great disrespect
Subpoena(n an order for someone to appear in court
Ambidextrous(adj using both hands with equal ease
Dogged(adj stubbornly determined
Tenet(n a wildly held belief
Turbulent(adj being in a state of disturbance
Tedious tiring because of length or dullness ; boring
76. Candid (adj.) showing sincere honesty
77. Impudent (adj.) showing scorn for others
78. Volition (n.) the act of making one’s own decisions : will
79. Caliber (n.) degree of excellence
80. Detachment (n.) separation
81. Discreet (adj.) showing good judgment in conduct or speech
82. Fraud (n.) trickery, deceit
83. Pauper (n.) a very poor person
84. Temerity (n.) the state of being recklessly bold
85. Indignant (adj.) filled with anger
86. Cynical (ad.) not trusting human nature
87. Feral (adj.) having escaped from domestication and become wild
88. Heathen (adj.) a person who is not religious
89. Infantile (adj.) childish
90. Vehement (adj.) showing great force : highly emotional
91. Brevity (n.) the condition of being brief
92. Bovine (adj.) resembling a cow
93. Devout (adj.) devoted to religion
94. Impertinence (n.) a rude act or remark
95. Squalor (n.) the state of being filthy and neglected
86. Cynical (ad.) not trusting human nature
87. Feral (adj.) having escaped from domestication and become wild
88. Heathen (adj.) a person who is not religious
89. Infantile (adj.) childish
90. Vehement (adj.) showing great force : highly emotional
91. Brevity (n.) the condition of being brief
92. Bovine (adj.) resembling a cow
93. Devout (adj.) devoted to religion
94. Impertinence (n.) a rude act or remark
95. Squalor (n.) the state of being filthy and neglected
96. Scowl (v.) to make a frowning expression of displeasure
97. Veneer (n.) a thin layer of wood bonded to provide a finer surface or stronger structure
98. Remorse (n.) a deep regret
99. Recluse (n.) a person who lives away from others
100. Spurious (adj.) not genuine : false
101. Notoriety (n.) the quality of being notorious
102. Florid (adj.) flowery, ornate
103. Nondescript (adj.) not easily described
104. Carcass (n.) a dead body
105. Eccentricities (n.) something that does not follow the norm
Created by: palms
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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