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Revision List 6


oligarchy a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.
muted to deaden or muffle the sound of. to reduce the intensity of (a color) by the addition of another color.
cloudburst a sudden and very heavy rainfall.
dereliction deliberate or conscious neglect; negligence; delinquency; also the act of abandoning something.
discredit defame;also to give no credence to;disbelieve;also destroy confidence in an effort to discredit honest politicians.
egalitarian equality; asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social life.
polarity the presence or manifestation of two opposite or contrasting principles or tendencies.
overreach to reach or extend over or beyond; to defeat (oneself) by overdoing matters; to get the better of, esp. by deceit or trickery; outwit
fracas a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight; riotous brawl; uproar.
seethe to surge or foam as if boiling.; to soak; to boil lightly, simmer
plod to walk heavily or move laboriously; trudge to plod under the weight of a burden.
sodden soaked with liquid or moisture; saturated.
gainsay to deny, dispute, or contradict. to speak or act against; oppose. To declare false; deny
concur to accord in opinion; agree; also to work together; also coincide
prudery excessive propriety or modesty in speech, conduct, etc.
flag to fall off in vigor, energy, activity, interest, etc. Public enthusiasm flagged when the team kept losing.
bettor a person who bets.
lumber to move clumsily or heavily, esp. from great or ponderous bulk overloaded wagons lumbering down the dirt road.
desultory lacking in consistency, or visible order; disconnected; fitful; random
summarily in a prompt or direct manner; immediately Also without notice; precipitately to be dismissed summarily from one's job.
warp To turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape.
trudge to walk, esp. laboriously or wearily to trudge up a long flight of steps.
forage to wander or go in search of provisions. Also to search about; seek; He went foraging in the attic for old mementos.
mince To walk with very short steps or with exaggerated primness.
vaunt to speak vaingloriously of; boast of to vaunt one's achievements.
torrid Parched with the heat of the sun; intensely hot. Passionate; ardent
homiletics the art of preaching; the branch of practical theology that treats of homilies or sermons.
tautology Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.
tamp to force in or down by repeated, rather light, strokes He tamped the tobacco in his pipe.
jejune without interest ; dull; insipid; also juvenile; immature; inexperienced a jejune novel.
piquant agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor; pleasantly biting or tart. Also agreeably stimulating, interesting, or attractive
raffish gaudily vulgar or cheap; mildly or sometimes engagingly disreputable a matinee idol whose raffish offstage behavior amused millions.
nonplused to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely.
tractable easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding
umbrage offense; annoyance; displeasure to feel umbrage at a social snub
Created by: vipin.jose
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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