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1-4 Vocab

Vitiate to reduce the value of; make impure
Pacify to ease the anger or agitation of
Dearth a lack; a scarce supply
Indolence habitual laziness
Marred damaged; disfigured
Supercilious haughty; disdainful
Squander to spend wastefully or extravagantly
Ardent passionate
Beset to trouble persistently; harass
Countenance appearance, especially the look or expression of the face
Cursory going rapidly over something without noticing details hasty; superficial
Engender to bring into existence
Charisma a spiritual power
Demagogue a person who gains power by appealing to the emotions
Placate to calm or soothe
Indigenous produced by a character
Labyrinth a place that is constructed that is difficult to find our way out of
Exacerbate to increase the bitterness and violence
Incense something that produces a nice smell when burned
Daunt to overcome with fear
Rudimentary first principles of a subject
Credulous gullible, ready to trust easily
Lucid easily understood
Sacrosanct extremely sacred
Aptitude a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
Circumspect careful, cautious
Metamorphosis a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances
Substantive being the essence or essential element of a thing, having substance; real; essential; solid; substantial
Nepotism favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
Solicitous full of anxiety or concern
Inclement stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action
Obscure not clearly understood or expressed
Jeopardy danger
Nebulous lacking definite form or limits; vague or cloudy
Diverse many and different
Stratum a layer or level
Docile easily managed or handled
Impartial not biased
Precedent a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern
Figurative metaphorically not literally
Reiterate to sat or do again
Prudent wise or judicious in practical affairs
Negligence to ignore or betray
Innocuous not harmful or injurious
Lax not strict or severe
Precipitate the occurrence of
Equivocate to use unclear expressions, to avoid commitment or in order to mislead
Assiduous constant
Created by: ThompsonML
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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