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Oriole A&P - Ch 4

terms & definitions from Ch 4 - Tissues

-blast cells that are actively producing the surrounding matrix
-cyte related to or having to do with cells
Amitotic when neurons act as communicating links, they lose ability to divide
anucleate a cell without a nucleus
apical surface upper free surface exposed to body surface, or cavity of internal organ
Avascular Contains no blood vessels
Axons Carries impulses away and is the conducting portion of a nerve cell.
basal surface near the base interior of a structure
Cell body Focal point and recieves information for neurons.
Chondro- A prefix dealing with cartilage.
calcify/ossify to harden like a bone
Dendrites Motor neurons that convey incoming messages toward the cell body.
desmosomes binding bodies, scattered like rivets along the sides of cells
Endocrine Ductless glands that produce hormones and release directly
Exocrine Glands with ducts that release their products through specific paths
extracellular matrix Nonliving material in connective tissue
fibers slinder, thread like structure and/or filament
Fibro- A prefix dealing with tissue.
gap junctions communicating junction betweeb adjacent cells
ground substance non cellular components that contain fibers
Hematopoietic The formation of a blood cell.
innervation nerves being supplied to body parts
intercalated discs cells that fit together tightly at special places
Involuntary Something that can not be controlled.
Longevity Can funtion optimally for a lifetime with good nutrition.
macrophages Protective cell type
mast cells Immune cells that detect foreign substances
Mesenchyme Embryonic tissue that all connective tissues start out as
Microvilli Extensions/folds that increase surface area
multinucleate a cell with more than one nucleus
Myofilaments Brings about movement in all cell types.
osteo- related to bone
proteoglycans proteins that are heavily glycosylated
Satellite Cells Surround neuron cell bodies, resemble moons around a planet
Schwann cells Surround and are vital to the regeneration of nerve fibers.
Secretion process of making and releasing products (mostly protien)
Simple vs Stratified Simple is a single layer; Stratified is multiple layers
striations a repeating series of dark and light bands
tight junctions series of integral protein molecules, cells fuse together
uninucleate a cell with one nucleus
Vascularity Pertaining to blood vessels.
Volutary Something that can be controlled.
Anucleate A cell without a nucleus
avascular lacking blood vessels
Calcify/Ossify To change into bone from another tissue type
chondro- giving rise to cartilage
endocrine secreting internally into the blood or lymph
exocrine secreting to an epithelial surface
Extra cellular matrix gel-like substances composed of proteins, carbs, fibers and liquid outside of cells
Fibers Provide support to connective tissue
fibro- refers to the formation of connective tissue proper
Ground Substance molecular sieve that nutrients/dissolved substances can diffuse through between blood capillaries
hematopoietic cell that gives rise to all formed elements of blood
Innervation Supply of nerves to a body part
Intercalated Discs Connections between cells containing gap and desmosomes junctions
involuntary when mucles don’t move on there own
Macrophage “big eaters” dispose of dead tissue cells, foreign molecules, bacteria, dust particles, ect.
Mast cells along blood vessels and detect foreign microorganisms.
mesenchyme cells of mesodermal orgin that are capable of developing into connective tissues, blood, and lymphatic and blood vessels.
microvilli any of the small, fingerlike projections of the surface of an epithelia cell
Multinucleate contains more than one nucleus within that cell
myofilaments a general term for actin & myosin filaments
Osteo- relating to bone
Proteoglycans consists of a protein core that Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) connect to
secretion A process by which substances are produced and discharged from a cell, gland, or organ for a particular function in an organism.
simple vs stratified simple tissue has only one layer of cells, stratified has 2 to 20 or layers of cells the deepest layer attached to the basement membrane
Striations Repeating serious of dark and light bands
Uninucleate Has one nucleus
vascularity the amount of blood in a certain place
voluntary when mucles move on their own
- BLAST a cell that is forming
- CYTE a suffix meaning 'mature cell'
AMITOTIC can't divide (go through mitosis)
ANUCLEATE a cell without a nucleus
APICAL SURFACE top surface that separates the cells interior from its surroundings
AVASCULAR containing no direct blood input (Ex. Epithelium)
AXONS a part of a neuron that carries electrical signals throughout the body
BASAL SURFACE the surface near the base or interior of a structure
CALCIFY / OSSIFY to make or become bony; harden by the deposit of calcium  salts.
CELL BODY major life center of a neuron that contains normal cell organelles and processes electrical signals to determine whether to pass it on or not
CHONDRO - prefix that has to do with cartilage
DENDRITES receive electrical impulses from other neurons
DESMOSOMES cell junction composed of thickend plasma membranes joined by filaments
ENDOCRINE ductless glands that empty products directly into the bloodstream
EXOCRINE glands, with ducts, that carry products to a specific part of the body
EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX ground substance and fibers found outside the connective tissue cells
FIBERS provide suppport, three different types found in conncective tissue (reticular, collagen, elastic)
FIBRO - prefix that has to do with connective tissue proper
GAP JUNCTIONS passageway between two adjacent cells
GROUND SUBSTANCE fills the space between fibers and cells; allows for diffusion of nutrients & waste
HEMATOPOIETIC stem cells that will become blood cells
INNERVATION supply of nerves to a body part
INTERCALATED DISCS gaps connecting muscle cells out of the muscle lining of the heart (myocardium)
INVOLUNTARY something that we do not consciously control (movement)
LONGEVITY long lasting life
MACROPHAGES these cells phagocytize a variety of materials; also known as "big eaters"
MAST CELLS detect bacteria, fungi, and/or injuries and make inflammatory responses against them
MESENCHYME the beginning tissue from which all connective tissues are derived
MICROVILLI tiny projections which increase surface area to provide for absorption
MULTINUCLEATE cell with more than one nucleus
MYOFILAMENTS filaments found in muscles that bring about movement or contraction
OSTEO - supports and provides levers for muscles and stores calcium
PROTEOGLYCANS collects GAGs which trap water and form a semi-solid liquid or gel-like substance
SATELLITE CELLS support, brace, and anchor neuron cell bodies in the PNS
SCHWANN CELLS surround and insulate nerve fibers
SECRETION the outward movement from a cell to the exterior
SIMPLE vs STRATIFIED only one cell layer as opposed to two or more cell layers
STRIATIONS alternating dark and light bands that are visible in certain muscle fibers
TIGHT JUNCTIONS where plasma membranes of different cells are fused
UNINUCLEATE cell with one nucleus
VASCULARITY pertaining to the amount of blood vessels in tissue--a rich supply of blood vessels
VOLUNTARY something that is controlled consciously (movement)
Created by: nstevens
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