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SAT Hit-list

fyou sat fyou

equivocal allowing possibility of several meanings; questionable; doubtful
contemptuous showing or expressing disdain; scornful
didactic intended for instruction;
unabashed not ashamed or apologetic; boldly certain of one's position
nonchalant cooly unconcerned; indifferent
whimsical given to fanciful notions
wistful longing; yearning; melancholy
aesthetic pertaining to a sense of beauty;
ambivalent having mixed feelings between two things; unable to chose between two (usually opposing) courses of action
belied to show to be false; contradict
conventional accepted standards
digression something that deviates from the main focus
discern to perceive by sight or intellect
disparage belittle; to speak of or treat slightly
disparity inequality
equivocate to use ambiguous or unclear expressions to avoid commitment or to mislead
hyperbole obvious and intentional exaggeration
partisan person who shows a biased, one-way allegiance
reconcile to bring into agreement; to get a person to choose something not desired; become amicable
repudiate to reject, cast off, or disown
refute to PROVE to be wrong
substantiate to give substantial evidence to; to establish proof
undermine to attack by indirect or secretive means; to weaken by pulling removing underlying support
underscore to stress, emphasize
yield to produce or furnish; to give up, surrender
depict (depiction) to represent by drawing, portray; to characterize in words, describe
advocate (advocacy) to support or urge by argument, esp publically
cynic (cynical, cynicism) one who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions
empathy (empathetic) identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
phenomenon a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable; something remarkable or extrordinary
contempt a feeling of disdain for anything considered mean or worthless
consume to expend by use; to use up
profound showing deep insight or understanding; originating in the depths of one's being
tenacity persistence, strong character, perservance
pragmatic practical, sensible, logical
rigor the quality of being strict or inflexible; harshness, as of attitude, severity; hardship
disparage to speak of negatively; to belittle
elaborate worked out in great detail, painstaking; ornate, showy, or gaudy
embellish to ornament or decorate; to exaggerate
esoteric intended for or understood by only a small group
ingenuity the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful
substantiate to support with proof or evidence; to verify
presume to take for granted, assume, or suppose; to undertake (do something) without right or permission
sentiment an attitude, feeling, or opinion; refined or tender emotion
rhetoric the art of using language effectively and persuasively
abstruse difficult to understand
bolster to hearten, support, or prop up
contend to struggle; to compete
autonomy independence; self-determination
discern to catch sight of; to recognize and understand
forbear to refrain from; to be patient or self-controlled
erratic inconsistent, unpredictable, wandering, irregular, unstable
nidictive disposed to seek revenge; revengeful, spiteful
complacency a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of unpleasant possiblities
anachronism the representation of something as existing or happening in the wrong time period
connoisseur an expert judge in an art or matters of taste
brevity the quality or state of being brief in duration
callous emotionally hardened; unfeeling
candid completely honest; straightforward
convey to take from one place to another; to communicate
duplicitous deceitful, dishonest, two-faced, deliberately deceptive
lament to express grief or regret (for or over); a vocal expression of grief
mitigate to make or become less severe, intense, or painful
paradox a contradiction, a puzzle, an inconsistency
reticence the quality or state of keeping silent; reserve
penchant a strong inclination or liking
rouse to bring or come out of a state of sleep, unconsciousness, or inactivity
debilitate to impair the strength of; to weaken
admonish to caution or advise against something
anomaly an odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, or quality; something abnormal
enigma a puzzle, mystery, or riddle
arouse to stir up, excite
capricious impulsive and unpredictable
ascertain to find out, as through investigation or experimentation
magnanimous courageously or generously noble in mind and heart
incredulous disinclined or indisposed to believe; indicating disbelief
belligerent eager to fight; hostile or aggressive
edify to instruct and improve, especially morally; to enlighten
negate (negation) to deny the existence or truth of (something); to nullify or invalidate (something)
voracious craving or consuming large quantities of food; exceedingly eager
idiosyncrasy peculiarity, oddity, quirk, characteristic, trait, singularity
irony (ironic) the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; an outcome of events contrary to what was, or what might have been expected
lucid easily understood; clear
repute to consider, believe
stringent rigorously binding or exacting; strict
temperament the combination of mental and emotional traits of a person; nature
insolent insulting in manner or speech
tact skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situation
constituent serving to make up a thing; component
arbitrary unreasonable or unsupported
allege to assert without proof
personage a person of distinction or importance
demagogue an orator or political leader who gains power by arousing people's emotions and prejudices
benefactor a kindly helper; a person who makes a bequest or endowment characterized by goodwill; desiring to help others
bewilder to confuse or puzzle completely
congenial agreeable or suitable in nature
pretension a claim to something; an unwarranted or false claim, as to merit, importance, or wealth
dilettante a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject for amusement, especially in a superficial way; dabbler
equanimity composure, especially under strain; evenness
crude in a raw or unrefined state; lacking culture and refinement; vulgar
predilection a partiality; preference
indignation strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or biased
prudent wisely careful, showing good judgment
pedestrian a person on foot; common, ordinary, banal
bombastic high-sounding; pretentious
magnanimous high-minded; noble; generous in forgiving an insult or injury
distension the act of expanding (from pressure within)
altruism the belief in or practice of selfless concern for others
enigmas a person or thing that is mysterious or puzzling
erudition profound scholarly knowledge
obsequious obedient or attentive to an excessive degree
husbandry the care, cultivation of crops and cattle
extirpation to pull up by the roots
plaudits praise
cognitions process of acquiring knowledge
modicum small quantity
disingenuous not candid or sincere
presumptious failing to observe limits of what is appropriate
jocular humorous, playful
stratified arranging people into social classes
vicarious experience in the imagination through the thoughts or feelings of other people
insipid lacking flavor, interest
soporific causing sleep
rustic simplicity, charm, like that of the countryside
tactile sense of touch
ignominy public shame or disgrace
rectitude morally correct behavior
prospectus proposed venture of business (paper)
arbitration process in which a disagreement is disputed
dilatory slow to act
despoil steal, plunder
denuded to make bare
amalgam joining two or more companies together
dispatch to send off with speed or for a specific purpose
presumption idea that is taken to be true
occlusion blockage, obtrusion of a passageway
corroborated conform or give support to
extant still in existance
myopic nearsighted
rancorous deep-seated resentment
punctilitous showing great attention to detail
hubris excessive pride or self-confidence
impetuosity rash impulsiveness
credulity willing to believe or trust too easily
derelict in very poor condition
procurement action of obtaining or managing something
alacrity brisk and ready cheerfulness
censures express severe disapproval
phegmatic not easily excited to show or display emotion; stoic
concilatory overcome distrust; appease
reputable having a good reputation
miffed annoy
jaded tired, bored
finagle obtain by dishonest means
winnow to remove by current of air
curative serving or tending to cure
truculence disposed to fight; pugnacious
affability good-natured, friendly
equanimity mental calmness
concordance alphabetical listing
ameliorating make (something bad or unsatisfying) better
disseminate spread or disperse
confounds cause surprise or confusion in someone
paucity scarcity; presence of something in small amounts
libelous maliciously defamatory
circumvent to go around or bypass
ameliorating to make or become better, improve
quixotic chivalrous, romantic; Don Quixote
venality able to be forgiven; think venial sin
seditious incitement or discontent with the government
corollary an immediate consequence or easily drawn conclusion
sophistry a subtle, tricky, but false way of reasoning
solicitousness anxious, concerned
acumen keen insight
intemperance excessive or immoderate indulgence in public
slipshod careless, untidy
byzantine highly complicated and involved
nefarious extremely wicked or villinous
devious not straightfoward; sneaky
equitable fair
infelicity unhappiness; misfortune, bad luck
fastidious excessively peculiar or demanding; hard to please
petulant impatient irritation, especially over something small or paticular
sedulous persevering; persistently maintained
mercenary working or acting merely for reward
prosaic commonplace or dull
treacly contrived sentimentality
cursory hasty; going too fast to notice details; superficial
loquacious talkative
contemptuous disdainful and scornful
filial noting or having the child/parent relationship
antipodes opposite sides of the globe
clairvoyant someone who can see or do things beyond ordinary human capabilities
deferential courteous, respectful of others
lugubrious mournful, gloomy
sundry various, diverse
bucolic of or pertaining to shepards; pastoral; idyllic rural life
remonstrance to say, plead or protest, objection, disproval
erudition knowledge acquired by studies
chicanery trickery or deception
lassitude weariness from strain
effusive lacking reserve
incorrigible cannot be fixed
tenuous thin or slender; lacking a sound basis, in reasoning
edifying to instruct to benefit
substantiated to establish proof; give substantial evidence
reconnaissance the act of inspecting, obsverving
cantankerous disagreeable to deal with
laconic using few words
irascible easily provoked, to anger
churlish boorish, rude
mercurial changeable, fickle; animated, lively
diaphanous sheer, very light
variegated varied
anomalous (anamoly) something out of the ordinary; irregular
egalitarian equality for everyone!
iconoclast someone who breaks with tradition
purveyor a person who provides or supplies
currency general acceptance
disrepute low regard
belligerence warlike, aggressive behavior
indigence poverty
perfidy deliberate breach of trust; treachery
aspersion the act of slandering; vilification; a damaging or derogatory remark
pugnacious inclined to quarrel
folly foolish
visceral intuition over intellect
infighting fighting at close range
jingoism the spirit, policy, or practice of being super patriot-y
ossified hardened into bone
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