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TherEx Higgins 1

Chapter 1 of Therapeutic Exercise: From theory to practice by Michael Higgins

What acronym is used for the evaluation process HIPS, HOPS, or HOPER. History, Inspection, Palpitation, Special test
When do we evaluate a patient before and after treatment
Comprehensive Medical History Patient records, Subjective History
What is Subjective History MOI, Activities that aggravate and alleviate, Past history, Patient goals, Social History. MAPPS
What is Objective history Visual inspection: Assess posture, gait, functional tests, Direct contributors, indirect contributors
MOI allows for clinician to determine what activities to avoid
Palpatation evaluation of bony and soft tissue structures for point tenderness, deformity, crepitus, rigidity, and heat.
Range of Motion Active and passive range of motion, measured in quality and quantity
Cyriax's rule Assess pain during or at end of ROM test. Delineate presence of pain at various points during the motion
Cyriax's rule: Contractile tissue involvement Pain during motion actively in one direction and end range pain actively or passively in opposite direction
Cyriax's rule: Inert tissue involvement Pain during motion actively and passively in same direction
Flexibility testing Tests that asses "cause of the cause." Muscle tightness can be linked to many problems
Joint Mobility testing tests joint hypomobility and hypermobility
Strength Testing Manual muscle testing or resistive ROM testing
MMT: 0 None. No visible or palpable contraction
MMT: 1 Trace. Visible or palpable contraction with no movement
MMT: 2 Poor. Full ROM, no gravity
MMT: 3 Fair. Full ROM, against gravity
MMT: 4 Good. full ROM against gravity, moderate resistance
MMT: 5 Normal. Full ROM against gravity and maximal resistance
Resistive Range of Motion Testing movement through ROM against an exxternal resistance
Determining the diagnostic Medical diagnosis uses ICD-9 code.
What is SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
What composes a Problems list Comprehensive compilation of all abnormal findings from evaluation
Short term goals Consist of performance objectives, measurable objective, accomplished within 2 weeks.
Long Term Goals Comprehensive or Abstract goals: ex: Return to activity
Created by: WalkerChance
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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