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SAT's Most Important

SAT's Most IMportant Words

abstruse difficult to understand
apt appropriate or suitable in the circumstance
cajole, coax persuade someone to do something by flattery
compendious succinct
concur agree
delineate list or explain something precisely
digression straying from the subject
elucidate clarify
embroil involve in an argument of conflict
empiric(al) based on observation and experiment (not theory)
enumerate to list something
epitome, epitomize be a perfect example of something
equivocal and ambiguous open to more than one interpretation
exemplar epitome, epitomize
exhort encourage
expedient useful
fathom understand
flagrant evidently offensive
floridity bright
incongruity, incongruous not in harmony with surroundings
ineffable impossible to express in words
innuendo implicit suggestion
laconic concise
lucid clear and easily understood
nebulous vague, fogy
nuance a subtle difference in something
paradigm a typical example of something
prattle babble on about something
pronouncement to announce something
proponent supporter
prosaic ordinary
rebuttal a contradiction
recant reject
rescind annul
repudiate reject
rhetoric(al) elegant speech
scrutinize examine carefully
simile comparison
tangential digressive, irrelevant
treatise extensive written argument about some topic
verbose wordy
aura feeling of the air
bombastic pompous
buoyant cheerful, floating
callous insensitive
cantankerous(ness) irritable
capricious fickle
caustic bitter
convivial sociable, lively
demonstrative openly emotional
despondent sad, depressed
diffident, diffidence shy
discomfited disappointed, defeated
disillusionment disappointed
dispassionate unemotional
elated, elation joyful
evoke stir up
felicitous apt
forlorn sad
fortitude courage
furor commotion, anger
histrionic excessively dramatic or emotional
idyllic simply tranquil
impetuous impulsive
irate angry
jaded tired, bored
jocular cheerful
jovial cheerful
maudlin overly sentimental
melancholy depressed
mercurial fickle
morose depressed
peevish unpleasant
penchant preference
perfunctory done routinely with little interest or care
petulant irritable
profundity, profound intense,
propensity inclinations, tendency
Impilcit Implied though not plainly expressed
subtle Precise
Created by: lagake
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