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Lesson 11


天气 tian1 qi4 weather noun
bi3 (comparison marker); to compare perposition/verb
下雪 xia4 xue3 to snow verb object
yue1 to make an appointment verb
公园 gong1 yuan2 park noun
滑冰 hua2 bing1 to ice skate verb object
hui4 will mv
刚才 gang1 cai2 just now; a moment ago time
网上 wang3 shang on the internet
预报 yu4 bao4 to forecast verb
geng4 even more adverb
不但。。。,而且。。。 bu2 dan4..., er2 qie3 not only..., but also... conjunction
暖和 nuan3 huo warm adjetive
leng3 cold adjetive
van4 to handle; to do verb
die2 disc; small plate, dish, saucer noun
那么 na4 me (indicating degree) so, such pronoun
好玩儿 hao3 wan2 r fun, amusing, interesting adjetive
出去 chu1 qu to go out vc
非常 fei1 chang2 very, extremely, exceedingly adverb
糟糕 zao1 gao1 in a terrible mess; how terrible adjetive
下雨 xia4 yu3 to rain verb object
you4 again adverb
面试 mian4 shi4 to interview; interview verb/noun
回去 hui2 qu to go back; to return vc
冬天 dong1 tian1 winter noun
夏天 xia4 tian1 summer noun
re4 hot adjetive
春天 chun1 tian1 spring noun
秋天 qiu1 tian1 autumn; fall noun
舒服 shu1 fu comfortable adjetive
加州 jia1 zhou1 California
昨天早上下雪,今天早上又下雪了。 It snowed yesterday morning. It snowed again this morning. Zuo2 tian1 zao3 shang xia4 xue3, jin1 tian1 zao3 shang you4 xia4 xue3 le.
我昨天去跳舞了, 我想明天晚上再去跳舞。 I went dancing yesterday. I'm thinking of going dancing again tomorrow night. Wo3 zuo2 tian1 qu4 tiao4 wu3 le, wo1 xiang3 ming2 tian1 wan3 shang zai4 qu4 tiao4 wu3.
Adjetive/Verb+是+ Adjetive/Verb+可是/但是... Adjetive/Verb+is+Adjetive/Verb+but/but... Adjetive/Verb+shi4+Adjetive/Verb+ke3shi1/dan4shi4
滑冰难是难, 可是很有意思。 Ice skating is difficult, but is very intresting. hua2 bing1 nan2 shi4 nan3, ke3 shi4 hen3 shi4 hen3 you3 yi4 si.
潮湿 chao2 shi1 wet; humid adjetive
闷热 men1 re4 hot and stifling adjetive
凉快 lian2 kuai pleasantly cool adjetive
晴天 qing2 tian1 sunny day noun
阴天 yin1 tian1 overcast day noun
feng1 wind noun
今天比昨天冷。 Today is colder than yesterday. jin1 tian1 bi3 zuo2 tian1 leng3.
A+比+B+Adjetive (+一点儿/得多/多了) A+compared+B+Adjetive (+ a bit/much more/very) A+bi3+B+Adjetive(+ yi4 dian3 r/de duo1/duo1 le)
Created by: study4ever
Popular Chinese sets




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