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state the question or problem first step; the purpose of the experiment
research using computers, books, and interviews to find out information about the topic before making a hypothesis
hypothesis an educated guess about the outcome of an experiment; must be testable
Experiment testing the hypothesis
Independent Variable what is changed on purpose at the beginning of the experiment; manipulated variable
Dependent Variable what is measured in the end; responding variable
constants things that remain the same throughout the experiment; not changing
control the normal or plain way of doing something that is used as a comparison group
procedures directions for completing an experiment
data information collected during an experiment
record and analyze data step that involves creating a graph
conclusion the last step; a statement as to whether or not the hypothesis is supported by the data or not
repeated trials the number of times the experiment is performed; each trial should be done the exact same way
Example of a Problem What is the effect of the color of light on plant growth?
Example of research interview an expert
Example of a hypothesis If different colored lights are used, then a plant will grow the tallest in white light.
Example of procedures 1. Measure the starting height of 9 plants. 2. Place 3 plants in white light, 3 plants in red light, and 3 plants in purple light. 3. Water the plants daily for 1 week 4. Measure the height of the 9 plants to determine how much each plant has grown.
Example of an independent variable color of the light bulbs
example of a dependent variable growth of the plant
Examples of constants soil, water, type of plant, time under lights
Example of a control plants growm in white or yellow light
Example of a conclusion The hypothesis was supported by the data because the plants grown in white light grew the most in the 1 week period of time.
Example of quantitative data 2inches taller, 4 flowers, 10 leaves
Examples of Qualitative data yellowish leaves, wilted stem
Example of repeated trials 3 plants under each bulb
qualitative observations not measurable such as color, texture, smell, taste
quantitative observations can be measured to provide a number such as length, weight, temperature, time
length distance between two points, includes height
mass amount of matter in the object
weight pull of gravity on the mass of an object
volume amount of space an object occupies
density amount of matter in a certain space (mass/volume)
balance tool used to measure mass in grams
graduated cylinder tool used to measure liquid volume in mL
water displacement using a change in water level to determine the volume of an object
meter basic unit of length in the metric system (SI)
liter basic unit of volume in the metric system (SI)
gram basic unit of mass in the metric system (SI)
Created by: sford
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