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Geography ch.1&2

core center of the earth made up of iron and nickel
mantle surrounds the core and makes up most of the earths mass. its made up of "liquid hot magma"-molten rock
crust the outer shell or the earth
what are tectonic plates? 12 enormous pieces floating on the mantle, form earths crust
what is continental drift? the constant movement of tectonic plates. (spreading apart, colliding, or grinding past each other) LEADS TO THE CREATION OF LAND FORMS
<------ --------> spread apart (create rift valleys)
-------> <-------- collide (push eachother up = mountains) (one dives under the other = volacnoe)
what is weathering? breaks down rock into smaller pieces divides rock part of soil building
erosion movement of weathered material from one place to another -also part of soil building process
whats the effect of erosion? valleys, deltas, beaches
how long is a full rotation? 24 hours
how long is a complete revolution? 365 and 1/4 days
TILT? the earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees (creates 3 zones: tropical, polar, and temperate)
what is the tropic of cancer? northern most point to receive direct sun rays (@ 23.5 degrees north)
what is the tropic of capricorn? southern most point to receive direct sun rays (@ 23.5 degrees south)
what are the 4 seasons? times of greater or lesser direct solar energy -caused by tilt and revolution -tilt causes north and south hems. to be opposite
what is the importance of wind and oceans? they help distribute the earth's heat.
what is weather? the condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place -changes with seasons
what causes weather? when large air masses heat up or cool down and move across earth's surface
topographical map represents natural or man made features on the earths surface
thematic map emphasizes specific kinds of info.
navigational map used by pilots and sailors to chart a course
what is globalization? world wide integration and development
to appreciate/understand ______ _________ culture diversity
physical geography the natural world (oceans, mountains, etc.)
human geography the human activities in a physical place
what are the 5 themes of geography? 1. Location 2. Place 3. Human-Environment Interactions 4. Movement 5. Regions
what are examples of human characteristics? dams, highways, houses
what are examples of physical characteristics? climate, landforms, vegitaition
how do humans relate to the physical world? they modify, and depend of the environment. Ex: modify clothing, sports, roads etc. Ex: humans depend on raw materials, protection, etc.
what are the 3 themes to movement? PEOPLE -how? why? GOODS -how? why? IDEAS -how? why?
formal regions north america, usa
functional regions austin (greater austin area)
perceptional regions the south ( culture values that form a region)
Created by: rianepope
Popular History sets




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