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Evolutionary theory

Evolution- def/n? change in the genetic structure of a pop/n or appearance of a new species (speciation)
what constitutes a theory? tested, not falsified, supported by evidence, stood test of time
stasis? nothing changes, constant
fixity of species? the idea that the living things we see atm are the ones that ever existed and will exist
religious view of living things? God created all living things and only he controls them (great chain of being)
scientific revolution- impacts increased biological diversity, ppl start to Q
Copernicus? sci rev- earth is NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE
John Ray's contribution? def/n of species and genus
species- def/n? reproductively isolated organisms
Linnaeus' contribution? development of classification system (taxonomy)
binomial nomenclature for humans homo sapiens
Buffon's contribution? moved away from idea of stasis although he rejected speciation; stressed importance of change in universe
Erasmus Darwin's contribution? existence of common ancestor; environmental factor in evolution
Lamarck's contribution? 1st to explain evolutionary process; animals will develop physical changes to adapt to their surroundings
"USE OR DISUSE"/ "INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS"? -animals respond to changes in enviro -physical changes occur -change happens within an individual -useful traits passed on
Cuvier's contribution? concept of extinction; CATASTROPHISM
CATASTROPHISM? idea that the earth's landscape is a result of violent cataclysmic events and that the earth is restocked with unaffected species -complexity of new species due to creation events (GOD!)
Malthus' contribution? -relationship b/t food supply and pop/n increase -food limits population growth
Lyell's contribution? uniformitarianism
UNIFORMITARIANISM? -rate of geologic change is uniform -there is slow gradual change in time (opp. to Cuvier)
LYELL VS. CUVIER: WHO IS RIGHT they're both right; there are both slow gradual changes as well as catastrophic events that explain the history of earth as well as current states
Darwin's journeys? Darwin examined the differences within a species and this variation within a species helped him develop the idea of evolution
DARWIN'S FINCHES? finches had varying characteristics; the traits were regionally dependent
Darwin and Malthus' findings? favorable traits are preserved; unfavorable destroyed
Wallace's contribution? had the same idea as Darwin; prompted Darwin to publish his idea -new species influenced by environmental factors
"ORIGIN OF SPECIES"? controversial; opp. idea of a creator/designer
Natural selection? -operates at individual level with w/e the trait that dictates the rate of survival -evolution on the other hand operates at the population level over generations
PROCESS OF NATURAL SELECTION? (1-4) ON BENCHES MADE IN ENGLAND, THE VARNISH ACIDIFIES 1) OFFSPRING production > food supply increase 2) BIOLOGICAL variation within 3) MORE individuals produced than can survive 4) INDIVIDUALS w/ favorable traits likely to survive and reproduce
PROCESS OF NATURAL SELECTION? (5-8) 5) ENVIRO determines if trait's beneficial 6) TRAITS inherited and passed on 7) VARIATIONS accumulate (speciation?) 8) AS pop/ns respond to pressure over time they become distinct species
what does it mean to be maladaptive? not likely to survive; faulty/inadequate adaptation
FUNDAMENTALS OF EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE? ACCIDENTS NEVER FEEL NICE 1) A trait must be inherited if NS is to act on it 2) NS can't occur w/o variation 3) FITNESS is a relative measure that changes as enviro changes 4) NS only act on traits that affect reproduction
what is evolution about? -change over time NOT PROGRESS -NOT BETTER, but better suited to a particular environment
Created by: kimminjung0302
Popular Anthropology sets




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