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GRE Week 4

rue (n) 2 1. regret, sorrow-to regret, to feel remorse 2. a bitter herb used medicinally
equivocal (adj) 2 1. undecided, ambivalent 2. open to multiple interpretations, often with the intent to decieve or mislead of uncertain or dubious nature
verismiliar (adj) probably, likely or apprearing to be true
hoodwink (v) to deceive or trick, especially using a misleading or false appearance
misanthrope (n) one with hate or distrust for humankind
teetotaler (n) one who abstains totally from alcohol
apathetic (adj) 2 1. showing or feeling little emotion 2. without interest or concern; indifferent
pedantic (adj) excessively, narrowly, often ostentatiously focused on formal rules or book learning, unimaginative
indelible (adj) 2 1. permanent; impossible to remove, erase, or wash away 2. memorable, unforgettable, making alasting impression
scotch (v) to put an end to (the storm scotched our plans)
coda (n) somthing that concludes, finishes or rounds out often with a summary of what has gone before
homogeneous (adj) similar in kind; composed of similar or uniform parts
fatuous (adj) complacently foolish or silly
inveterate (adj) 2) 1. established through long practice or precedent 2. habitual or ingrained
permeable (adj) capable of being permeated or penetrated; porous so as to admit liquid
philanthropic (adj) of, related to, characterized by, involved with, providing charitable or humanitarian aid or assistance
ostracize (v) to exclude; to exile from a group by general consent
propagate (v) 3 1. to multiply or breed; to pass (traits) to offspring 2. to extend or spread to a greater area or number 3. to foster wider knowledge or spread word of; to publicize
fidelity (n) 2 1. the state or quality of being faithful or loyal 2. accuracy or exactness (as in "high fidelity" )
abstain (v) to refrain or hold oneself back
inhibit (v) 2 1. to prevent, prohibit, or forbid 2. to restrain, dampen, hold back, or check
facetious (adj) 2 1. joking or jocular (often inappropriately), not meaning to be serious 2. intended to be humorous, rather than serious
ingenious (adj) lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness; straightforward, candid, frank
affable (adj) pleasant and easy to talk to; appraochable
adhere (v) 3 1. to stay attached, stick to 2. to be devoted in support or allegiance 3. to remain committed to
slack (adj) (v) 2 1. negligent, careless, or lax; slow, sluggish, lacking energy; lacking tautness or tightness; weak; inactive, not busy 1. to become slack, to loosen or make slower 2. to shirk or evade word; to be careless or inattentive in doing
diverge (v) 2 1. to turn aside from a path or course; to branch off from a single point 2. to differ in opinion, form, or character
frequent (adj) (v) 1. happening often 1. to visit
fringe (n) a margin, preiphery, or outer edge
egress (n) 2 1. the act of going out or exiting 2. an exit or way out
ascend (v) 3 . to move or slope upward; to rise from a lower level or station 2. to go back in time or genealogical progression 3. to become king or queen
laudable (adj) praiseworthy
rent (adj) (n) 2 1. having been orn; violently lacerated; or wrested from 1. a tear or opening created by rending 2. a rift or breach in relations
volatile (adj) widely varying, fickle, inconstant, or even prone to violence
aseptic (adj) 2 1. free from or protecting against infection by pathogenic microorganisms 2. without animation or emotion
skullduggery (n) deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous behavior
predilection (n) a preference or partiality for something
divestiture (n) 2 1. the act of divesting (opposite of "investing"), or stripping someone of property 2. the sale or liquidation of assets
prologue (n) an introduction, esp to a poem, play, novel
gossamer (adj) extremely light, delicate, sheer
dormant (adj) lying asleep or as if asleep,; inactive (esp. temporarily inactive)
grate (v) 3 1. to shred (such as cheese) by rubbing against an abrasive surface 2. to cause to make a harsh sound through grinding (as teeth) 3. to persistently annoy
gratuitous (adj) 2 1. done, given, or obtained without payment; unearned 2. unwarranted, unjustified, uncalled-for
hegemony (n) dominance or influence of one group or force over others
rift (n) 2 1. a narrow fissure in rock 2. a break in an interpersonal relationship
grievous (adj) 2 1. causing great pain, suffering or grief 2. serious, dire, severe, or extremely harmful; oppressive, burdensome
ephemeral (adj) 2 1. short-lived or lasting only a brief period 2. lasting only one day
aspersion (n) 3 1. a false, derogatory claim menat to inure someone's reputation 2. the act of making such a claim 3. a sprinkling with water, especially as part of a religious ceremony
halcyon (adj) 2 1. calm, peaceful, tranquil 2. prosperous or wealthy
Created by: psosa077
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