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GRE Week 3

Flag (v) 1. to signal, with or as with a flag 2. to fall off in energy, vigor, interest, activity 3. to droop or hang loose
Somatic (adj) 1. pertaining to the body 2. relating to the wall of the body cavity
fluke (n) a stroke of good luck; a chance occurrence or accident
doff (v) 1. to take off or remove (as clothes); to tip or remove (one's hat) in greeting 2. to put aside or discard
apocryphal (adj) of questionable authenticity or origin; spurious
scurvy (n) (adj) 1. a wasting disease caused by vitamin c deficiency 1. contemptible, despicable, mean
apposite (adj) appropriate, relevant, apt
squalid (adj) 1. foul, dirty, wretched- as from extreme poverty or neglect 2. morally repulsive or sordid
garrulous (adj) wordy; overly talkative and given to long, rambling, often trivial speech
gambol (v) to frolic, to skip or leap about playfully
fulminate (v) 1. to send out or issue with denunciation, invective, or condemnation 2. to explode
salubrious (adj) promoting or conducive to health or well being
abscission (n) the act of cutting off
gauche (adj) lacking in tact, sensitivity, or other social graces
truculent (adj) 4 1. ferocious, cruel, savage 2. deadly or destructive 3. scathing or harsh 4. belligerent or aggressive, disposed to fighting
asperity (n) 3 1. rigor or severity 2. roughness, unevenness, harshness (as of surface or sound) 3. roughness or harshness of manner or temper
finesse (n) 2 1. skillful or adroit handling 2. refinement or delicacy or performance, skill, workmanship
germane (adj) relevant or closely related
viscid (adj) having a sticky, adhesive or viscous quality or consistency
glib (adj) 2 1. fluent in speaking or writing to the point of insincerity or thoughtlessness 2. done with natural ease or offhand nonchalance
requite (v) 3 1. to repay or make return for; to reciprocate 2. to avenge 3. to recompense for a service, benefit, or injury
grouse (v) (n-2) 1. to complain, grumble 1. a grievance, a persistent complaint 2. any of various types of plump, chickenlike game birds
appreciable (adj) possible to see, measure or estimate
dilate (v) 2 1. to cause to expand, to widen or enlarge 2. to speak or write at length on a subject
subside (v) 2 1. to sink to a lower or normal level (fever); to sink or settle down (onto a couch or to bottom of a river) 2. to become less agitated or active
redundant (adj) 2 1. more than necessary; superfluous 2. excessively wordy or repetitive
antipathy (n) 2 1. an aversion, disliking or distaste for 2. an object of dislike or aversion
convoluted (adj) 2 1. having a great number of coils, loops or folds 2. intricate or involved
mitigate (v) to moderate (the force, intensity, strength of) or alleviate
sangfroid (n) self-possession or composure, especially under stress
implosion (n) forceful collapse inward
condone (v) to overlook, dismiss, or forgive (an offense)
catalyst (n) 2 1. something precipitating, provoking, acelerating an action, event, change 3. a substance that starts or speeds a chemical reaction
intemperance (n) 2 1. indulgence of passions or appetites 2. excessive drinking of alcohol
stalwart (adj) strong or vigorous in mind, body or spirit
augment (v) to enlarge, make greater, more intense, more numerous
abridge (v) to cut short, condense (especially of a written work)
indifferent (n) the state or quality of being indifferent, unconcerned
verbose (adj) using more words than necessary, wordy
squelch (v) 4 1. to crush or squash as if by trampling 2. to quell or suppress completely 3. to silence, as by a crushing remark 4. to emit a splashin, sucking sound
emaciate (adj) wasted away, unfeebled or made extremely thin
extempore (adj) done, said, or composed with little or no preparation; unpremeditate
forestall (v) 3 1. to hinder or prevent in advance 2. to anticipate or deal with in advance 3. to buy up goods so as to drive up prices for resale
analogous (adj) similar or related so that one can draw an analogy
quiescence (n) the state of being quiescent; tranquil restfulness or repose
adulterate (v) to make impure or corrupt by adding foreign or inferior materials or ingredients, particularly in preparation for sale
nabob (n) 2 1. a person who is wealthy, prominent or important 2. a provincial governor of India's Mogul empire (historical)
cardinal (adj) of prime importance, chief, main
puissance (n) power, might
Created by: psosa077
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