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med term 13

the nervous system

arachn/o spider
cerebr/o cerebrum
crani/o cranium
arachn/o spider
cerebr/o cerebrum
crani/o cranium
gli/o nerve cell
dendr/o branching:dendrite
hydr/o water
electr/o electricity
mening/o meninges
encephal/o brain
myel/o spinal cord:bone marrow
gli/o nerve cell
neur/o nerve
hydr/o water
olig/o few
mening/o meninges
quadr/o four
myel/o spinal cord:bone marrow
thec/o sheath
neur/o nerve
thromb/o clot
olig/o few
vascul/o blood vessels
quadr/o four
thec/o sheath
thromb/o clot
vascul/o blood vessels
ventricul/o ventricle
-algia pain
dura- hard
-malacia softening
echo- sound
-paresis partial paralysis
-algia pain
-malacia softening
-paresis partial paralysis
-pathy disease
-plegia paralysis
cephalalgia cephal/o=head -algia=pain
anencephaly an=lack of encephal/o=brain
cerebral thrombosis thromb/o=clot -osis=condition
cephalalgia cephal/o=head -algia=pain
cerebrovascular accident anitials CVA
cerebral thrombosis thromb/o=clot -osis=condition
cerebrovascular accident anitials CVA
cerebrovascular accident cerebr/o=cerebrum vascul/o=vessel -al=pertaining to
encephalitis encephal/o=brain -itis=inflammation
encephalopathy encephal/o=brain -pathy=disease
encephalomalacia encephal/o=brain -malacia=softening
encephalopathy encephal/o=brain -pathy=disease
epidural hematoma epi=above dura=dura matter -al=pertaining to hematoma=mass of blood
glioma gli/o=nerve cell -oma=tumor
hemiparesis hemi-=half -paresis=partial paralysis
hemiplegia hemi-=half -plegia=paralysis
hydrocephalus hydr/o=water cephal/o=head -us=noun ending
meningioma mening/o=meninges oma=tumor
meningitis mening/o=meninges -itis=inflammation
meningocele mening/o=meninges myel/o=spinal cord -cele=hernia
myelomalacia myel/o=spinal cord -malacia=softening
neuralgia neur/o=nerve -algia=pain
neuritis neur/o=nerve -itis=inflammation
neuroblastoma neor/o=nerve blast/o=embryonic stage of development -oma=disease
neuropathy neur/o=nerve -pathy=disease
paraplegia para-=around -plegia=paralysis
polyneuritis poly-=many neur/o=nerve -itis=inflammation
quadriplegia quadr/i=four -plegia=paralysis
subdural hematoma sub-=below dura-=hard -al=pertaining to hematoma=mass of blood
cerebrospinal cerebr/0=cerebrum spinlo=spine -al=pertaining to
craniotomy crani/o=skull -otomy=incision
echoencephalography echo-=sound encephal/o=brain -gaphy=process of recording
electroencephalogram electr/o=electricity encephal/o=brain -gram=record of
electriencephalography electr/o=electricity encephal/o=brain -graphy=process of recording
electriencephalography anitials EEG
myelography myel/o=spinal cord -graphy=process of recording
myleogram myel/o=spinal cord -gram=rcord of
neurectomy neur/o=nerve -ectomy=surgical removal
pneumoencephalography anitials PEG
pneumoencephalography pneum/o=air encephal/o=brain -graphy=process of recording
pneum/o air
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
transcutaneous trans-=actoss cutane/o=skin -ous=pertaining to
cutane/o skin
Created by: 100000040929719
Popular Medical sets




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