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Medical Terminology

Chapter 1

lith (word root) lithos - stone
psych (word root) psyche - mind
caud (word root) cauda - tail
or (word root) oris - mouth
adeno, chole, oro are all... combining forms, which are a word root such as "or" plus a vowel such a "o" to make the word easier to pronounce
psych is an example of a... word root, which is the main body of a word and are the building blocks for most medical terms
What is a prefix? A prefix is placed before a word to modify its meaning
What is a suffix? A suffix is attached to the end of a word or word root to modify its meaning
a- (prefix, suffix, or combining form (CF)) prefix
cutane/o (prefix, suffix, CF) combining form
dermat/o (prefix, suffix, CF) combining form
eu- (prefix, suffix, CF) prefix
-graphy (prefix, suffix, CF) suffix
hydr/o (prefix, suffix, CF) combining form
-iasis (prefix, suffix, CF) suffix
mal- (prefix, suffix, CF) prefix
-pathy (prefix, suffix, CF) suffix
phon/o (prefix, suffix, CF) combining form
When adding a combining form to a suffix, you drop the vowel if the suffix begins with a vowel so if "ot/o and -itis" are combined... otitis - inflammation of the ear
"ot/o" and "-logy" combined... otology - study of the ear
"ot/o" and "-plasty" combined... otoplasty - plastic surgery of the ear
"ot/o" and "-rrhea" combined... otorrhea - discharge from the ear
"ot/o" and "-tomy" combined... ototomy - incision of the ear
Most prefixes do not change when added to a word part for example "pre" and "eruptive" combined... preeruptive
dys- & -pnea combined? dyspnea
enter/o & -ic combined? enteric
eu- & -pepsia combined? eupepsia
tonsill/o & -itis combined? tonsillitis
ur/o & -emia combined? uremia
anti- & anxiety combined? antianxiety
leuk/o & -cyte combined? leukocyte
appendic/o & -itis combined? appendicitis
hyper- & -emia combined? hyperemia
endo- & cardi/o & -al combined? endocardial
What are eponyms? are names for diseases, organs, procedures, or body functions that are derived from a name of a person.
If the singular ending is "is", what is the plural ending? es
If the singular ending is "is", what is the plural ending alternate? ides
If the singular ending is "us", what is the plural ending? i
If the singular ending is "us", what is the plural ending exceptions? era, ora, or sometimes adding es such as viruses
If the singular ending is "a", what is the plural ending? ae
If the singular ending is "ix", what is the plural ending? ices
If the singular ending is "ex", what is the plural ending? ices
If the singular ending is "ax", what is the plural ending? aces
If the singular ending is "ma", what is the plural ending? add "s" (or "ta") ex: carcinomata or carcinomas
If the singular ending is "on", what is the plural ending? a (some you just add "s" like chorions)
If the singular ending is "nx", what is the plural ending? nges
bil/i (prefix, suffix, combining form) combining form
crain/o (prefix, suffix, combining form) combining form
-ectomy (prefix, suffix, combining form) suffix
gigant/o (prefix, suffix, combining form) combining form
-iatrics (prefix, suffix, combining form) suffix
intra- (prefix, suffix, combining form) prefix
multi- (prefix, suffix, combining form) prefix
-oid (prefix, suffix, combining form) suffix
-plegia (prefix, suffix, combining form) suffix
spher/o combining form
contains a slash before a vowel when written alone combining form
is attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning suffix
is followed by a hyphen when written alone prefix
is preceded by a hyphen when written alone suffix
generally requires no change when joined with other word parts prefix
hypo- & derm/o & -ic hypodermic
leuk/o & -emia leukemia
melan/o & -oid melanoid
my/o & cardi/o & -al myocardial
thromb/o & -osis thrombosis
appendix (2 plural forms) appendixes & appendices
bronchus (plural form) bronchi
ileum (plural form) ilea
pharynx (plural form) pharynges
prognosis (plural form) prognoses
Created by: 33011389



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