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PsychAnth Midterm

Psychological Anthropology

anthropology study of human culture
culture system of symbols that give meaning
4 components of Anthropology 1.cultural 2.physical 3.archeological 4.linguistics
goal of anthropology understanding
phenomenology study of experience
phoenetics scientific system of language
phoenem minimal unit of sound in a language that carries meaning
emic insider pt of view (anth study this)
etic outsider pt of view
4 components of acedemic psychology 1.cognition 2.perception 3.motivation 4.personality
Wilhelm Windt psychology of 'primitive' man - used anthropology - intellectual endowment was equal btwn 'prim' and 'civilized' cultures
william james raised point westerners were equally primitive to non-westerners
emile durkheim sociologist - first studies on suicide - believed 'primitive' ppl were inferior
sir james frazier armchair anthropologist - said primitive man reason came from false premis
franz boaz eskimos. thought 'primitive cognition' was stupid. found they had same intellect. thought others were racist. pissed him off.
eugenics getting rid of ppl with undesireable characteristics
perception process by which an individual obtains information. is culturally affected
bronislaw malinowski need->institution or need->behavior. did not consider culture. functionalism.
functionalism all parts of society functions as part of the whole.
malinowski's 4 imperitives of societies 1.economics control 4.politics
personality persistant characteristics of an individual
melanie klein developed child psychology & play therapy. felt key relationship in family was w/ mother, not w/ father as F suggests.
julia kristiva bringing body back into study of mind.body as manifestaion of psychological process. cultural variations in these processes. theory of abjection
theory of abjection things from our body that we make disgusting. also do in society (women/disables)
helene cixous senses in the body. overcome logocentrism & tap into other senses
luce irigavay current system of pure visual emphasis leavesno place for women. criticized F b/c he defined women in terms of how they related to men... & F put too much emphasis on the penis
jaques lacan the notion of self is a product of the unconscious. chains of metaphors/signs/symbols really have no meaning. we assign meaning as needed.
erik ericson stages of development
8 theories of psych anth 1.configurationism 2.basic/modal personality 3.national character 4.cross cultural 5.cognitive 6.'themind' 7.symbols
configurationist culture resembles personality. searching for patterns in psychology & culture.
basic/modal personality personality is created through primary institutions... lead to 2ndary institutions...modal is most common personality type i.e. the one determined by the culture
national character stereotyping culture. (swaddling theory - BS)
cross culture big database of cultural information. HRAF. statistical way of looking at culture.
HRAF human relations area file
cognitive anth 70's. ways humans mentally make categories. culture is like a cookbook (not true)
the mind claude levis strauss. binary oppositions. the innate structure of the mind.
symbolic anthropology every culture has rituals... symbols play major role in rituals
post modernism globalization,
Created by: joceleone



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