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Diseases and Fears

Stack #30366

acrophobia heights
agoraphobia open spaces
ailourophobia cats
algophobia pain
androphobia men
anthropophobia man
arachnophobia spiders
astraphobia lightning
brontophobia thunder
cluastrophobia closed spaces
cynophobia dogs
entomophobia insects
ergophobia work
gynophobia women
haptophobia touch
hematophobia blood
hodophobia travel
hydrophobia water
hypnophobia sleep
kleptophobia stealing
musophobia mice
necrophobia corpses
nyctophobia night
neophobia newness
odontophobia teeth
olfactophobia smell
ophidiophobia snakes
ornithophobia birds
pantophobia everything
phobophobia fears
photophobia lights
pyrophobia fire
thanatophobia death
theophobia god
toxiphobia poisons
triskaidekaphobia #13
xenophobia strangers
zoophobia animals
aneurysm artery
arthritis joints
bursitis joints
cirrhosis liver
conjunctivitiis eye
dermatitis skin
glossitis tongue
hemophilia blood
hepatits liver
mastitis breast
nephritis kidney
phlebitis veins
encephalitis brain
gingivitis gums
glaucoma eye
pneumonia luns
psoriasis skin
Created by: Gandolph



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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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