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A River Runs Thru It

Fluid and Electrolytes/Digestion and Hydration

Insensible Water Loss Body water lost through skin and lungs.
ANF Atrial Natruretic Factor. Decreases blood volume. Increases sodium and water excretion
HTN, tachycardia, JVD, gallop, edema, crackles clinical signs of HYPERVOLEMIA
Kayexelate ion exchange resin used for hyperkalemia
Electrolyte imbalance associated with diarrhea and laxatives hypokalemia
normal distribution of body fluids First spacing
bulging fontanels Hypervolemia sign in infants
Most accurate assessment for fluid balance intake and output
loop diuretics used to treat excess fluid, sodium, calcium, and potassium.
primary organ of fluid and electrolyte balance regulation kidneys
Nursing Diagnosis useful in electrolyte imbalance Risk for Injury
Third Spacing movement of fluids into cavities
maintains oncotic pressure (colloid) albumin, a plasma protein
major effect of Aldosterone retention of Na+ and excretion of K+
Chvostek's sign Contraction of the muscles of the eye, mouth or nose upon percussion. Sign of tetany of hypocalcemia.
hydrostatic pressure force of fluid against compartment walls.
IV solution to treat edema hypertonic
"Pushes" fluids away hydrostatic pressure
prolonged ST segment and QT interval EKG signs of hypocalcemia
hypotonic IVs treat what condition? dehydration
two signs of impending tetany Chvostek's and Trousseau's
another name for second spacing edema
three regulators of calcium levels parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, calcitonin
Risk for Injury associated with hypocalcemia seizures, tetany, laryngeal spasm
electrolyte imbalance that potentiates digoxin hypokalemia
Poor skin turgor, wt loss, sunken fontanels, lethargy, tachycardia, tachypnea fluid volume deficit (hypovolemia)
weight of one liter of water 2.2 lbs, 1 kg
primary cation of ECF sodium, Na+
Three passive transports diffusion, osmosis, filtration
major electrolyte imbalance in major trauma hyperkalemia
major anion of ICF PO4 3-
number of cc's in 1 lb of body water 275cc
Protein starvation--effect on fluids/electrolytes decreased oncotic pressure-->edema
Intervention to prevent renal calculi in hypercalcemia force fluids
electrolyte imbalance associated with multiple blood transfusions hypocalcemia
damage to parathyroids can lead to which imbalance? hypocalcemia
primary cation of ECF Chloride, Cl-
Two types of ECF interstitial fluid, plasma
ELECTROLYTE imbalance associated with hypotonic IVs hyponatremia
"pulls" water back osmotic/oncotic pressure
Created by: okwhitney
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